我最近使用Force.com IDE 时,经常提示密码错误。从Google 中终于发现一个解决方法,分享给大家,以供大家参考。

在Force.com IDE  29.0中,IDE 存储我们开发Org 的密码不是在我们的WorkPlace,而是通过强加密的方式存储在特地的地方.(以前的版本不清楚)






I recently installed the latest version of Eclipse (eclipse-java-kepler-R, with the Force.com IDE plugin ( Everything was working fine until this morning, when it had lost the credentials for the project I was working on.

I could re-enter the password and security token, the plugin connected to Salesforce, but as soon as I closed the Force.com IDE settings on the project and re-opened it, the credentials were gone.

Logging into Salesforce, and going to the Login History of my account, I saw the plugin connecting just fine.

How can I get it to start storing the passwords again?

I found a solution. I had to go into the Eclipse preferences and delete the values in "Secure Storage".


1)   Select the Window/Preferences item.

2)   Go to General/Security/Secure Storage.

3)   Select the Contents tab.

4)   Select Force Projects and then click the Delete button.

After restarting, Force.com IDE was able to save my passwords again.

The solution to Force.Com IDE 29.0 PassWord Problem的更多相关文章

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