Hive provides an EXPLAIN command that shows the execution plan for a query. The syntax for this statement is as follows:

AUTHORIZATION is supported from HIVE 0.14.0 via HIVE-5961.

The use of EXTENDED in the EXPLAIN statement produces extra information about the operators in the plan. This is typically physical information like file names.

A Hive query gets converted into a sequence (it is more an Directed Acyclic Graph) of stages. These stages may be map/reduce stages or they may even be stages that do metastore or file system operations like move and rename. The explain output comprises of three parts:

  • The Abstract Syntax Tree for the query
  • The dependencies between the different stages of the plan
  • The description of each of the stages

The description of the stages itself shows a sequence of operators with the metadata associated with the operators. The metadata may comprise of things like filter expressions for the FilterOperator or the select expressions for the SelectOperator or the output file names for the FileSinkOperator.

As an example, consider the following EXPLAIN query:

FROM src INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE dest_g1 SELECT src.key, sum(substr(src.value,4)) GROUP BY src.key;

The output of this statement contains the following parts:

  • The Abstract Syntax Tree

  • The Dependency Graph

      Stage-1 is a root stage
      Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-1
      Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-2

    This shows that Stage-1 is the root stage, Stage-2 is executed after Stage-1 is done and Stage-0 is executed after Stage-2 is done.

  • The plans of each Stage

      Stage: Stage-1
        Map Reduce
          Alias -> Map Operator Tree:
                Reduce Output Operator
                  key expressions:
                        expr: key
                        type: string
                  sort order: +
                  Map-reduce partition columns:
                        expr: rand()
                        type: double
                  tag: -1
                  value expressions:
                        expr: substr(value, 4)
                        type: string
          Reduce Operator Tree:
            Group By Operator
                    expr: sum(UDFToDouble(VALUE.0))
                    expr: KEY.0
                    type: string
              mode: partial1
              File Output Operator
                compressed: false
                    input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                    output format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat
                    name: binary_table
      Stage: Stage-2
        Map Reduce
          Alias -> Map Operator Tree:
              Reduce Output Operator
                key expressions:
                      expr: 0
                      type: string
                sort order: +
                Map-reduce partition columns:
                      expr: 0
                      type: string
                tag: -1
                value expressions:
                      expr: 1
                      type: double
          Reduce Operator Tree:
            Group By Operator
                    expr: sum(VALUE.0)
                    expr: KEY.0
                    type: string
              mode: final
              Select Operator
                      expr: 0
                      type: string
                      expr: 1
                      type: double
                Select Operator
                        expr: UDFToInteger(0)
                        type: int
                        expr: 1
                        type: double
                  File Output Operator
                    compressed: false
                        input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
                        output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.IgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat
                        serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.dynamic_type.DynamicSerDe
                        name: dest_g1
      Stage: Stage-0
        Move Operator
                replace: true
                    input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
                    output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.IgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat
                    serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.dynamic_type.DynamicSerDe
                    name: dest_g1

    In this example there are 2 map/reduce stages (Stage-1 and Stage-2) and 1 File System related stage (Stage-0). Stage-0 basically moves the results from a temporary directory to the directory corresponding to the table dest_g1.

A map/reduce stage itself comprises of 2 parts:

  • A mapping from table alias to Map Operator Tree - This mapping tells the mappers which operator tree to call in order to process the rows from a particular table or result of a previous map/reduce stage. In Stage-1 in the above example, the rows from src table are processed by the operator tree rooted at a Reduce Output Operator. Similarly, in Stage-2 the rows of the results of Stage-1 are processed by another operator tree rooted at another Reduce Output Operator. Each of these Reduce Output Operators partitions the data to the reducers according to the criteria shown in the metadata.
  • A Reduce Operator Tree - This is the operator tree which processes all the rows on the reducer of the map/reduce job. In Stage-1 for example, the Reducer Operator Tree is carrying out a partial aggregation where as the Reducer Operator Tree in Stage-2 computes the final aggregation from the partial aggregates computed in Stage-1

The use of DEPENDENCY in the EXPLAIN statement produces extra information about the inputs in the plan. It shows various attributes for the inputs. For example, for a query like:

  SELECT key, count(1) FROM srcpart WHERE ds IS NOT NULL GROUP BY key

the following output is produced:

{"input_partitions":[{"partitionName":"default<at:var at:name="srcpart" />ds=2008-04-08/hr=11"},{"partitionName":"default<at:var at:name="srcpart" />ds=2008-04-08/hr=12"},{"partitionName":"default<at:var at:name="srcpart" />ds=2008-04-09/hr=11"},{"partitionName":"default<at:var at:name="srcpart" />ds=2008-04-09/hr=12"}],"input_tables":[{"tablename":"default@srcpart","tabletype":"MANAGED_TABLE"}]}

The inputs contain both the tables and the partitions. Note that the table is present even if none of the partitions is accessed in the query.

The dependencies show the parents in case a table is accessed via a view. Consider the following queries:

CREATE VIEW V1 AS SELECT key, value from src;

The following output is produced:


As above, the inputs contain the view V1 and the table 'src' that the view V1 refers to.

All the outputs are shown if a table is being accessed via multiple parents.

CREATE VIEW V2 AS SELECT ds, key, value FROM srcpart WHERE ds IS NOT NULL;
  SELECT src1.key, src2.value as value1, src3.value as value2
  FROM V1 src1 JOIN V2 src2 on src1.key = src2.key JOIN src src3 ON src2.key = src3.key;

The following output is produced.

{"input_partitions":[{"partitionParents":"[default@v2]","partitionName":"default<at:var at:name="srcpart" />ds=2008-04-08/hr=11"},{"partitionParents":"[default@v2]","partitionName":"default<at:var at:name="srcpart" />ds=2008-04-08/hr=12"},{"partitionParents":"[default@v2]","partitionName":"default<at:var at:name="srcpart" />ds=2008-04-09/hr=11"},{"partitionParents":"[default@v2]","partitionName":"default<at:var at:name="srcpart" />ds=2008-04-09/hr=12"}],"input_tables":[{"tablename":"default@v4","tabletype":"VIRTUAL_VIEW"},{"tablename":"default@v2","tabletype":"VIRTUAL_VIEW","tableParents":"[default@v4]"},{"tablename":"default@v1","tabletype":"VIRTUAL_VIEW","tableParents":"[default@v4]"},{"tablename":"default@src","tabletype":"MANAGED_TABLE","tableParents":"[default@v4, default@v1]"},{"tablename":"default@srcpart","tabletype":"MANAGED_TABLE","tableParents":"[default@v2]"}]}

As can be seen, src is being accessed via parents v1 and v4.

The use of AUTHORIZATION in the EXPLAIN statement shows all entities needed to be authorized to execute the query and authorization failures if exists. For example, for a query like:

  SELECT * FROM src JOIN srcpart;

the following output is produced:

  Permission denied: Principal [name=navis, type=USER] does not have following privileges for operation QUERY [[SELECT] on Object [type=TABLE_OR_VIEW, name=default.src], [SELECT] on Object [type=TABLE_OR_VIEW, name=default.srcpart]]

With the FORMATTED keyword, it will be returned in JSON format.

"OUTPUTS":["hdfs://localhost:9000/tmp/.../-mr-10000"],"INPUTS":["default@srcpart","default@src","default@srcpart@ds=2008-04-08/hr=11","default@srcpart@ds=2008-04-08/hr=12","default@srcpart@ds=2008-04-09/hr=11","default@srcpart@ds=2008-04-09/hr=12"],"OPERATION":"QUERY","CURRENT_USER":"navis","AUTHORIZATION_FAILURES":["Permission denied: Principal [name=navis, type=USER] does not have following privileges for operation QUERY [[SELECT] on Object [type=TABLE_OR_VIEW, name=default.src], [SELECT] on Object [type=TABLE_OR_VIEW, name=default.srcpart]]"]}

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