描述When Teddy was a child , he was always thinking about some simple math problems ,such as “What it’s 1 cup of water plus 1 pile of dough ..” , “100 yuan buy 100 pig” .etc..

One day Teddy met a old man in his dream , in that dream the man whose name was“RuLai” gave Teddy a problem :

Given an N , can you calculate how many ways to write N as i * j + i + j (0 < i <= j) ?

Teddy found the answer when N was less than 10…but if N get bigger , he found it was too difficult for him to solve.
Well , you clever ACMers ,could you help little Teddy to solve this problem and let him have a good dream ?

The first line contain a T(T <= 2000) . followed by T lines ,each line contain an integer N (0<=N <= 10^11).
For each case, output the number of ways in one line
 import java.util.Scanner;

 public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner=new Scanner(System.in);
int T;
int number;
int i;
int count; T=scanner.nextInt();
T--; number=scanner.nextInt(); count=0;

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