I get one Original Autel MaxiDAS® DS708 Update Service, after complete update, I got a message "Fatal Application Error", reading: Application AutoRun.exe has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. If the problem persists, contact the program vendor. My machine Serial Number is DS010Q001035, as following picture shows:

Solutions from EOBD2 engineer:

Please insert the SD card into your computer and format the SD card, and then run the Autel Maxidas DS708 Update again.

However, if you didn't register your DS708, follow the next steps to register and update:

1). DS708 Register Wizard

the SD card into your computer and run the Autel Maxidas DS708 Register
Wizard. Follow the step2 to step4 in "B. Register on the scan tool"
(turn to page 26 in the Maxidas DS708 English manual) to complete
registration to SD card. Put the SD card back to the scan tool and
restart it to finish registration procedure.

2). DS708 Update

the SD card into your computer and run the Maxidas DS708 Update. There
is a Register option in the log-in window. When click on it, it will
automatically link to DS708 Register Wizard. Follow the step2 to step4
in "B. Register on the scan tool" (turn to page 26 of DS708 English
manual) to complete registration to SD card. Put the SD card back to the
scan tool and restart it to finish registration procedure.

Question Two:

register Autel DS708, I go to update and got error message reading "no
connection with the server, please check network connections, what's the

Solution from EOBD2 Engineer:

you have Autel Maxidas DS708 connected to the internet? If the DS708 has
been connected to the network, but can't update, advice you update
DS708 on computer.

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