Some PLF-based controls expose a convenient facility for temporarily disabling their events and for checking if an event is being raised. The following sample code illustrates how it is used.

using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid; private void button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (this.ultraGrid1.ActiveRow == null)
return; // Get the grid's event manager.
// The event manager is used to temporarily disable events
// to prevent them from being raised. This can be very
// convenient in a situation where one or more properties
// are being set in code and the events they would normally
// raise would cause unnecessary or counter-productive
// code to be executed.
// Note: All events are enabled by default.
GridEventManager eventManager = this.ultraGrid1.EventManager; // Disable the Before/AfterSelectChange events
eventManager.SetEnabled(GridEventIds.BeforeSelectChange, false);
eventManager.SetEnabled(GridEventIds.AfterSelectChange, false); // Toggle the selection state of the active row.
// Note: This would normally cause the Before/AfterSelectChange
// events to be raised. However, since the above code disabled
// the events they won't be.
this.ultraGrid1.ActiveRow.Selected = !this.ultraGrid1.ActiveRow.Selected; // Re-enable the Before/AfterSelectChange events
eventManager.SetEnabled(GridEventIds.BeforeSelectChange, true);
eventManager.SetEnabled(GridEventIds.AfterSelectChange, true); // The 'AllEventsEnabled' property lets you enable/disable
// all events will a single line of code. If any event is
// disabled the 'AllEventsEnabled' property returns false.
if (!eventManager.AllEventsEnabled)
eventManager.AllEventsEnabled = true; // The event manager also exposes an 'IsEnabled' method
// to see if an event is enabled or disabled.
if (!eventManager.IsEnabled(GridEventIds.BeforeSelectChange))
eventManager.SetEnabled(GridEventIds.BeforeSelectChange, true); // The grid event manager also exposes overloaded
// 'IsEnabled' and 'SetEnabled' methods that take an
// event group so that, for example all 'Before' or all
// 'After' events can be enabled/disabled. If any event
// in the group is disabled the 'IsEnabled' method returns
// false.
if (!eventManager.IsEnabled(EventGroups.BeforeEvents))
eventManager.SetEnabled(EventGroups.BeforeEvents, true); eventManager.SetEnabled(EventGroups.AfterEvents, true); // The 'InProgress' method will return true if the
// specified event is currently being raised. This
// is often helpful in methods that can be called
// from various points in an application to determine
// what is triggering the call.
if (eventManager.InProgress(GridEventIds.BeforeSelectChange))
// ...
} // The UltraCombo and UltraDropDown controls also expose
// event managers for their custom events. However,
// since they have considerably fewer events they don't
// expose overloaded 'IsEnabled' and 'SetEnabled' methods
// to control groups of events.
ComboEventManager comboManager = this.ultraCombo1.EventManager;
comboManager.SetEnabled(ComboEventIds.BeforeDropDown, true); DropDownEventManager dropDownManager = this.ultraDropDown1.EventManager;
dropDownManager.SetEnabled(DropDownEventIds.AfterCloseUp, true);

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