curl -k 'http://localhost:8081/' > android/app/src/main/assets/      在项目根目录中(即index.js)所在位置,输入前面的指令,得到以下有值的就成功了,

Unable to load script from assets ''.Make sure your bundle is packaged correctly or you're running a packager server的更多相关文章

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  3. react native中Unable to load script from assets ''解决方案

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  4. unable to load script from assets ' bundle'

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  5. Unable to load script from assets ''.make sure you bundle is packaged correctly

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  6. Unable to load script from assets '' 出错?

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  7. React Native: unable to load scripts from assets '' on real device

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  8. react-native 新手爬坑经历(unable to load script from assets 和could not connect to development server.)

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  9. React Native踩坑之Unable to load script from assets

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