最近在看《Effective STL》【条款17:使用交换技巧修整过剩容量】中提到容器的成函数void swap(container& from),即实现容器对象与from对象的交换。

另外,对于连续内存容器vector和string,还有shrink to fit(收缩到合适,根据容器的实际size设置capacity,减少实际内存分配)的功能。


1. sizecapacityresizereserve


capacity:容器预留容量,即占用真实内存量,capacity >= size。push_back、insert、resize、reserve操作可以影响capacity,其特点为只增不减(即使erase和clear操作);




 #include <iostream>
#include <vector> using namespace std; int main()
vector<int> v;
cout << "initial: " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; v.insert(v.end(), , );
cout << "after insert: " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; v.erase(v.end()-, v.end());
cout << "after erase: " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; v.reserve();
cout << "after reserve: " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; v.resize();
cout << "after resize: " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; v.reserve();
cout << "after reserve: " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; v.clear();
cout << "after clear: " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; return ;


size of v is
capacity of v is after insert:
size of v is
capacity of v is after erase:
size of v is
capacity of v is after reserve:
size of v is
capacity of v is after resize:
size of v is
capacity of v is after reserve:
size of v is
capacity of v is after clear:
size of v is
capacity of v is



2. swapshrink to fit


vector<int>(v).swap(v); // v为一个vector对象


另外,vector<int>().swap(v); // 可以清除v的内存空间


 #include <iostream>
#include <vector> using namespace std; int main()
vector<int> v(, );
cout << "initial: " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; v.erase(v.end()-, v.end());
cout << "after erase: " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; vector<int>(v).swap(v);
cout << "after swap (shrink to fit): " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; vector<int>().swap(v);
cout << "after swap (clear): " << endl;
cout << "size of v is " << v.size() << endl;
cout << "capacity of v is " << v.capacity() << endl << endl; return ;


size of v is
capacity of v is after erase:
size of v is
capacity of v is after swap (shrink to fit):
size of v is
capacity of v is after swap (clear):
size of v is
capacity of v is


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