Usage: dstat [-afv] [options..] [delay [count]]
Versatile tool for generating system resource statistics

Dstat options:
-c, --cpu enable cpu stats
-C 0,3,total include cpu0, cpu3 and total
-d, --disk enable disk stats
-D total,hda include hda and total
-g, --page enable page stats
-i, --int enable interrupt stats
-I 5,eth2 include int5 and interrupt used by eth2
-l, --load enable load stats
-m, --mem enable memory stats
-n, --net enable network stats
-N eth1,total include eth1 and total
-p, --proc enable process stats
-r, --io enable io stats (I/O requests completed)
-s, --swap enable swap stats
-S swap1,total include swap1 and total
-t, --time enable time/date output
-T, --epoch enable time counter (seconds since epoch)
-y, --sys enable system stats

--aio enable aio stats
--fs, --filesystem enable fs stats
--ipc enable ipc stats
--lock enable lock stats
--raw enable raw stats
--socket enable socket stats
--tcp enable tcp stats
--udp enable udp stats
--unix enable unix stats
--vm enable vm stats

--plugin-name enable plugins by plugin name (see manual)
--list list all available plugins

-a, --all equals -cdngy (default)
-f, --full automatically expand -C, -D, -I, -N and -S lists
-v, --vmstat equals -pmgdsc -D total

--bw, --blackonwhite change colors for white background terminal
--float force float values on screen
--integer force integer values on screen
--nocolor disable colors (implies --noupdate)
--noheaders disable repetitive headers
--noupdate disable intermediate updates
--output file write CSV output to file

delay is the delay in seconds between each update (default: 1)
count is the number of updates to display before exiting (default: unlimited)

aio, cpu, cpu24, disk, disk24, disk24old, epoch, fs, int, int24, io, ipc, load,
lock, mem, net, page, page24, proc, raw, socket, swap, swapold, sys, tcp, time,
udp, unix, vm
battery, battery-remain, cpufreq, dbus, disk-util, fan, freespace, gpfs, gpfs-ops,
helloworld, innodb-buffer, innodb-io, innodb-ops, lustre, memcache-hits, mysql-io,
mysql-keys, mysql5-cmds, mysql5-conn, mysql5-io, mysql5-keys, net-packets, nfs3,
nfs3-ops, nfsd3, nfsd3-ops, ntp, postfix, power, proc-count, rpc, rpcd, sendmail,
snooze, thermal, top-bio, top-cpu, top-cputime, top-cputime-avg, top-io,
top-latency, top-latency-avg, top-mem, top-oom, utmp, vm-memctl, vmk-hba, vmk-int,
vmk-nic, vz-cpu, vz-io, vz-ubc, wifi


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