
class Solution {
vector<string> fullJustify(vector<string> &words, int L) {
vector<string> ans; if(L == )
return ans;
} int index = ;
int begin = ;
int tempLen = ;
int end = ;
int spaces = ;
int extraSpace = ;
while(index < words.size())
begin = index;
tempLen = words[index].size();
while(index < words.size() && (tempLen + + words[index].size()) <= L)
tempLen = tempLen + + words[index].size();
end = index - ;
string str;
// not the last line
if(end != words.size() - )
// has more than one word
if(end != begin)
spaces = (L - tempLen) / (end - begin);
extraSpace = (L - tempLen) % (end - begin);
string strSpace;
for(int i = ; i < spaces + ; i++)
strSpace.append(" ");
for(int p = begin; p < end; p++)
if(p - begin < extraSpace)
str.append(" ");
while(str.size() < L)
str.append(" ");
for(int p = begin; p < end; p++)
str.append(" ");
while(str.size() < L)
str.append(" ");
return ans;

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