I.Yet another A + B

You are given three numbers. Is there a way to replace variables A, B and C with these numbers so the equality A + B = C is correct?


There are three numbers X1, X2 and X3 (1 ≤ Xi ≤ 10100), each on a separate line of input.


either "YES if there is a way to substitute variables A, B and C with given numbers so the equality is correct, or "NO"otherwise.



1 2 3




1 2 4




1 3 5






  1. 1 import java.util.Scanner;
  2. 2
  3. 3 public class BigInteger {
  4. 4 private static Scanner cin;
  5. 5
  6. 6 public static void main(String[] args) {
  7. 7   cin = new Scanner(System.in);
  8. 8   java.math.BigInteger a;
  9. 9   java.math.BigInteger b;
  10. 10   java.math.BigInteger c;
  11. 11   a = cin.nextBigInteger();
  12. 12   b = cin.nextBigInteger();
  13. 13   c = cin.nextBigInteger();
  14. 14   if((a.add(b)).compareTo(c)==0)System.out.println("YES\n");
  15. 15   else if((a.add(c)).compareTo(b)==0)System.out.println("YES\n");
  16. 16   else if((b.add(c)).compareTo(a)==0)System.out.println("YES\n");
  17. 17   else if((a.add(a)).compareTo(b)==0||(a.add(a)).compareTo(c)==0)System.out.println("YES\n");
  18. 18   else if((b.add(b)).compareTo(a)==0||(b.add(b)).compareTo(c)==0)System.out.println("YES\n");
  19. 19   else if((c.add(c)).compareTo(a)==0||(c.add(c)).compareTo(b)==0)System.out.println("YES\n");
  20. 20   else System.out.println("NO\n");
  21. 21   }
  22. 22 }

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