


 #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; string s;
int n, cnt = ;
int dp[][][];
int path[][][];
int ans[]; int trans(int index)
return s[index] - '';
} int dfs(int now, bool lz, int mod)
if (dp[now][lz][mod] != -)
return dp[now][lz][mod];
if (now == n)
if (lz && !mod)
return ;
return -INF;
int x, y = -INF;
x = dfs(now + , lz, mod);
path[now][lz][mod] = ;
if (s[now] != '' || (s[now] == '' && lz))
y = dfs(now + , true, (mod + trans(now)) % ) + ;
if (y > x)
path[now][lz][mod] = ;
return dp[now][lz][mod] = y;
return dp[now][lz][mod] = x;
} void get_path(int now, bool lz, int mod)
if (now == n)
if (path[now][lz][mod])
ans[cnt++] = now;
get_path(now + , true, (mod + trans(now)) % );
get_path(now + , lz, mod);
} int main()
cin >> s;
n = s.length();
memset(dp, -, sizeof(dp));
int tmp = dfs(, false, );
if (tmp <= )
if (s.find("") != string::npos)
get_path(, false, );
for (int i = ; i < cnt; i++)
return ;

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