hdu 4819 Mosaic
using namespace std;
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define maxn 805
#define ull unsigned long long
#define ll long long
#define hashmod 99999839
#define mod 7
#define repe(x,y,i) for(i=x;i<=y;++i)
#define repne(x,y,i) for(i=x;i<y;++i)
#define MAX(x,y) (x) < (y) ? (y) : (x);
#define MIN(x,y) (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y);
int rson[maxn<<][],nex[maxn<<],lenr,lenc,rootr;
int cson[(maxn*maxn)<<][],mi[(maxn*maxn)<<],ma[(maxn*maxn)<<];
int a[maxn][maxn],n,ls,rs,fa,x,y,z;
int cx,cy,rx,ry;
inline void pushup(int o){
ls = cson[o][],rs = cson[o][];
mi[o] = MIN(mi[ls],mi[rs]);
ma[o] = MAX(ma[ls],ma[rs]);
void find(int o){
int l = ,r = n,mid = (l + r) >> ;
while(l < r){
if(mid < x) o = cson[o][],l = mid + ;
else o = cson[o][],r = mid;
mid = (l + r) >> ;
x = mi[o],y = ma[o];
int buildc(int l,int r){
int o = lenc;
if(l == r){//其最小,最大值可由行树的左右子树的根指向的列树中得到
if(rx == ry) mi[o] = ma[o] = a[rx][l];//如果是同一行则直接得到
mi[o] = INF,ma[o] = -;
ls = nex[rson[fa][]],rs = nex[rson[fa][]];
x = l,y = r;
mi[o] = MIN(mi[o],x);
ma[o] = MAX(ma[o],y);
x = l,y = r;
mi[o] = MIN(mi[o],x);
ma[o] = MAX(ma[o],y);
cson[o][] = cson[o][] = -;
return o;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
cson[o][] = buildc(l,mid),cson[o][] = buildc(mid+,r),pushup(o);
return o;
int buildr(int l,int r){
int o = lenr;
if(l == r){
rson[o][] = rson[o][] = -,fa = o,rx = l,ry = r;
nex[o] = buildc(,n);
return o;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
rson[o][] = buildr(l,mid),rson[o][] = buildr(mid+,r),fa = o,rx = l,ry = r;
nex[o] = buildc(,n);
return o;
void queryc(int o,int l,int r){
if(r < cx || l > cy) return;
if(l >= cx && r <= cy){x = MIN(x,mi[o]);y = MAX(y,ma[o]);return;}
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
void queryr(int o,int l,int r){
if(r < rx || l > ry) return;
if(l >= rx && r <= ry){ queryc(nex[o],,n);return;}
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
void updatec(int o,int l,int r){
if(l == r){
if(rx == ry) mi[o] = ma[o] = z;
else {
mi[o] = INF,ma[o] = -;
ls = nex[rson[fa][]],rs = nex[rson[fa][]];
int tx = x,ty = y;
x = l,y = r;
mi[o] = MIN(mi[o],x);
ma[o] = MAX(ma[o],y);
x = l,y = r;
mi[o] = MIN(mi[o],x);
ma[o] = MAX(ma[o],y);
x = tx,y = ty;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if(mid >= y) updatec(cson[o][],l,mid);
else updatec(cson[o][],mid+,r);
void updater(int o,int l,int r){
if(l == r){rx = ry = l,fa = o,updatec(nex[o],,n);return;}
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if(mid >= x) updater(rson[o][],l,mid);
else updater(rson[o][],mid+,r);
rx = l,ry = r,fa = o;
int main(){
int q,t = ,T;
register int i,j;
repe(,n,i) repe(,n,j) scanf("%d",&a[i][j]);
lenr = lenc = ;
rootr = buildr(,n);
printf("Case #%d:\n",++t);
rx = x - (z>>),cx = y - (z>>),ry = x + (z>>),cy = y + (z>>);
if(rx <= ) rx = ;if(cx <= ) cx = ;if(ry > n) ry = n;if(cy > n) cy = n;
int tx = x,ty = y;
x = INF,y = -,queryr(rootr,,n),z = (x + y) >> ,printf("%d\n",z);
x = tx,y = ty,updater(rootr,,n);
return ;
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