PCB ODB++(Gerber)图形绘制实现方法
解析PCB图形,说简单也非常简单,先说一下,PCB Gerber图形由:点,线,弧,铜皮,文字 5类元素组成,通常简写为:P,L,A,S,T五类,这几类元素的难易程度,刚好是按这个顺序排列的(个人实际应用这么认为的)。即然是5类就得建立5种元素的数据结构存储它吧,
/// <summary>
/// PAD 数据类型
/// </summary>
public struct gP
public gPoint p;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public int angle;
public bool mirror;
public string symbols;
public string attribut;
public double width;
/// <summary>
/// Line 数据类型
/// </summary>
public struct gL
public gPoint ps;
public gPoint pe;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public string symbols;
public string attribut;
public double width;
/// <summary>
/// ARC 数据类型
/// </summary>
public struct gA
public gPoint ps;
public gPoint pe;
public gPoint pc;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public bool ccw; //direction-- cw ccw
public string symbols;
public string attribut;
public double width;
/// <summary>
/// Surface 坐标泛型集类1
/// </summary>
public struct gSur_Point
public gPoint p;
/// <summary>
/// 0为折点 1为顺时针 2为逆时针
/// </summary>
public byte type_point;
/// <summary>
/// Surface 坐标泛型集类2
/// </summary>
public class gSur_list
public List<gSur_Point> sur_list = new List<gSur_Point>();
/// <summary>
/// 是否为空洞
/// </summary>
public bool is_hole { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 是否逆时针
/// </summary>
public bool is_ccw { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Surface 坐标泛型集类3
/// </summary>
public class gS
public List<gSur_list> sur_group = new List<gSur_list>();
/// <summary>
/// 是否为负 polarity-- P N
/// </summary>
public bool negative { get; set; }
public string attribut { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Text 文本数据类型 简易型 更复杂的需要扩展
/// </summary>
public struct gT
public gPoint ps;
public string font;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public int angle;
public bool mirror;
public double x_size;
public double y_size;
public double width;
public string Text;
public string attribut;
6.在Gerber图形中一条线段,线段间距只有0.1毫米, 转为像素为0时,但线宽为5毫米,转为像不为2像素,
点击进去: https://wenku.baidu.com/view/0f7d49c4aa00b52acfc7cab3.html 这是解析方法,解析后再转为坐标数据就可以了
/// <summary>
/// 点 数据类型 (XY)
/// </summary>
public struct gPoint
public gPoint(gPoint p_)
this.x = p_.x;
this.y = p_.y;
public gPoint(double x_val, double y_val)
this.x = x_val;
this.y = y_val;
public double x;
public double y;
public static gPoint operator +(gPoint p1, gPoint p2)
p1.x += p2.x;
p1.y += p2.y;
return p1;
public static gPoint operator -(gPoint p1, gPoint p2)
p1.x -= p2.x;
p1.y -= p2.y;
return p1;
} } /// <summary>
/// 精简 PAD 数据类型
/// </summary>
public struct gPP
public gPP(double x_val, double y_val, double width_)
this.p = new gPoint(x_val, y_val);
this.symbols = "r";
this.width = width_;
public gPP(gPoint p_, double width_)
this.p = p_;
this.symbols = "r";
this.width = width_;
public gPP(gPoint p_, string symbols_, double width_)
this.p = p_;
this.symbols = symbols_;
this.width = width_;
public gPoint p;
public string symbols;
public double width;
public static gPP operator +(gPP p1, gPP p2)
p1.p += p2.p;
return p1;
public static gPP operator +(gPP p1, gPoint p2)
p1.p += p2;
return p1;
public static gPP operator -(gPP p1, gPP p2)
p1.p -= p2.p;
return p1;
public static gPP operator -(gPP p1, gPoint p2)
p1.p -= p2;
return p1;
/// <summary>
/// PAD 数据类型
/// </summary>
public struct gP
public gP(double x_val, double y_val, double width_)
this.p = new gPoint(x_val, y_val);
this.negative = false;
this.angle = ;
this.mirror = false;
this.symbols = "r";
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gP(gPoint p_, double width_)
this.p = p_;
this.negative = false;
this.angle = ;
this.mirror = false;
this.symbols = "r";
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gP(gPoint p_, string symbols_, double width_)
this.p = p_;
this.negative = false;
this.angle = ;
this.mirror = false;
this.symbols = symbols_;
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
} public gPoint p;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public int angle;
public bool mirror;
public string symbols;
public string attribut;
public double width;
public static gP operator +(gP p1, gP p2)
p1.p += p2.p;
return p1;
public static gP operator +(gP p1, gPP p2)
p1.p += p2.p;
return p1;
public static gP operator +(gP p1, gPoint p2)
p1.p += p2;
return p1;
public static gP operator -(gP p1, gP p2)
p1.p -= p2.p;
return p1;
public static gP operator -(gP p1, gPP p2)
p1.p -= p2.p;
return p1;
public static gP operator -(gP p1, gPoint p2)
p1.p -= p2;
return p1;
/// <summary>
/// Line 数据类型
/// </summary>
public struct gL
public gL(double ps_x, double ps_y, double pe_x, double pe_y, double width_)
this.ps = new gPoint(ps_x, ps_y);
this.pe = new gPoint(pe_x, pe_y);
this.negative = false;
this.symbols = "r" + width_.ToString();
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gL(gPoint ps_, gPoint pe_, double width_)
this.ps = ps_;
this.pe = pe_;
this.negative = false;
this.symbols = "r" + width_.ToString();
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gL(gPoint ps_, gPoint pe_, string symbols_, double width_)
this.ps = ps_;
this.pe = pe_;
this.negative = false;
this.symbols = symbols_;
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gPoint ps;
public gPoint pe;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public string symbols;
public string attribut;
public double width;
public static gL operator +(gL l1, gPoint move_p)
l1.ps += move_p;
l1.pe += move_p;
return l1;
public static gL operator +(gL l1, gPP move_p)
l1.ps += move_p.p;
l1.pe += move_p.p;
return l1;
public static gL operator +(gL l1, gP move_p)
l1.ps += move_p.p;
l1.pe += move_p.p;
return l1;
public static gL operator -(gL l1, gPoint move_p)
l1.ps -= move_p;
l1.pe -= move_p;
return l1;
public static gL operator -(gL l1, gPP move_p)
l1.ps -= move_p.p;
l1.pe -= move_p.p;
return l1;
public static gL operator -(gL l1, gP move_p)
l1.ps -= move_p.p;
l1.pe -= move_p.p;
return l1;
/// <summary>
/// ARC 数据类型
/// </summary>
public struct gA
public gA(double ps_x, double ps_y, double pc_x, double pc_y, double pe_x, double pe_y, double width_, bool ccw_)
this.ps = new gPoint(ps_x, ps_y);
this.pc = new gPoint(pc_x, pc_y);
this.pe = new gPoint(pe_x, pe_y);
this.negative = false;
this.ccw = ccw_;
this.symbols = "r" + width_.ToString();
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gA(gPoint ps_, gPoint pc_, gPoint pe_, double width_, bool ccw_ = false)
this.ps = ps_;
this.pc = pc_;
this.pe = pe_;
this.negative = false;
this.ccw = ccw_;
this.symbols = "r" + width_.ToString();
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gPoint ps;
public gPoint pe;
public gPoint pc;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public bool ccw; //direction-- cw ccw
public string symbols;
public string attribut;
public double width;
public static gA operator +(gA arc1, gPoint move_p)
arc1.ps += move_p;
arc1.pe += move_p;
arc1.pc += move_p;
return arc1;
public static gA operator +(gA arc1, gPP move_p)
arc1.ps += move_p.p;
arc1.pe += move_p.p;
arc1.pc += move_p.p;
return arc1;
public static gA operator +(gA arc1, gP move_p)
arc1.ps += move_p.p;
arc1.pe += move_p.p;
arc1.pc += move_p.p;
return arc1;
public static gA operator -(gA arc1, gPoint move_p)
arc1.ps -= move_p;
arc1.pe -= move_p;
arc1.pc -= move_p;
return arc1;
public static gA operator -(gA arc1, gPP move_p)
arc1.ps -= move_p.p;
arc1.pe -= move_p.p;
arc1.pc -= move_p.p;
return arc1;
public static gA operator -(gA arc1, gP move_p)
arc1.ps -= move_p.p;
arc1.pe -= move_p.p;
arc1.pc -= move_p.p;
return arc1;
} }
/// <summary>
/// Text 文本数据类型 简易型 更复杂的需要扩展
/// </summary>
public struct gT
public gPoint ps;
public string font;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public int angle;
public bool mirror;
public double x_size;
public double y_size;
public double width;
public string Text;
public string attribut;
/// <summary>
/// Surface 坐标泛型集类1
/// </summary>
public struct gSur_Point
public gSur_Point(double x_val, double y_val, byte type_point_)
this.p.x = x_val;
this.p.y = y_val;
this.type_point = type_point_;
public gSur_Point(gPoint p, byte type_point_)
this.p = p;
this.type_point = type_point_;
public gPoint p;
/// <summary>
/// 0为折点 1为顺时针 2为逆时针
/// </summary>
public byte type_point;
/// <summary>
/// Surface 坐标泛型集类2
/// </summary>
public class gSur_list
public List<gSur_Point> sur_list = new List<gSur_Point>();
/// <summary>
/// 是否为空洞
/// </summary>
public bool is_hole { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 是否逆时针
/// </summary>
public bool is_ccw { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Surface 坐标泛型集类3
/// </summary>
public class gS
public List<gSur_list> sur_group = new List<gSur_list>();
/// <summary>
/// 是否为负 polarity-- P N
/// </summary>
public bool negative { get; set; }
public string attribut { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 整层Layer坐标泛型集类
/// </summary>
public class gLayer //坐标
public List<gP> Plist = new List<gP>();
public List<gL> Llist = new List<gL>();
public List<gA> Alist = new List<gA>();
public List<gT> Tlist = new List<gT>();
public List<gS> Slist = new List<gS>();
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