fossil 使用
~$ fossil update
Cannot figure out who you are! Consider using the --user
command line option, setting your USER environment variable,
or setting a default user with "fossil user default USER".
cannot determine user
~$ fossil user list
anonymous Anon
developer Dev
nobody Nobody
reader Reader
~$ fossil user ls
anonymous Anon
developer Dev
nobody Nobody
reader Reader
~$ fossil user default anonymous
~$ fossil update
Round-trips: 1 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 0
Pull done, sent: 310 received: 613 ip:
checkout: b0e38cf244ef67d22ef54e9bdb29d9455bc52d5e 2018-10-13 10:36:12 UTC
tags: trunk
comment: {4847} XE5 and higher FireDAC DriverID for firebird definition fix - thanks Oleg Tretyakov for the github pull request! (user: ab)
changes: None. Already up-to-date
- Usage: fossil user SUBCOMMAND ... ?-R|--repository FILE?
- Run various subcommands on users of the open repository or of
- the repository identified by the -R or --repository option.
- fossil user capabilities USERNAME ?STRING?
- Query or set the capabilities for user USERNAME
- fossil user default ?USERNAME?
- Query or set the default user. The default user is the
- user for command-line interaction.
- fossil user list
- fossil user ls
- List all users known to the repository
- fossil user new ?USERNAME? ?CONTACT-INFO? ?PASSWORD?
- Create a new user in the repository. Users can never be
- deleted. They can be denied all access but they must continue
- to exist in the database.
- fossil user password USERNAME ?PASSWORD?
- Change the web access password for a user.
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