
If, some time during a PowerShell session, you need to modify the PATH environment variable temporarily, you can do it this way:

  1. $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin"


Changing the actual environment variables can be done by using the env: namespace / driveinformation. For example, this code will update the path environment variable:

  1. $env:Path = "SomeRandomPath";

There are ways to make environment settings permanent, but if you are only using them from PowerShell, it's probably a lot better to use your profile to initiate the settings. On startup, PowerShell will run any .ps1 files it finds in the WindowsPowerShell directory under My Documents folder. Typically you have a profile.ps1 file already there. The path on my computer is

  1. c:\Users\JaredPar\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\profile.ps1

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