当下一个订单的时候,对应的商品库存减少。监视table order,监视动作insert,触发时间after,触发事件update create trigger t1//触发器名字
on order//监测order表
for each row
update goods set num=num-2 where gid=1;
update goods set...
end create table goods(//创建商品表
gid int,
name varchar(20),
num smallint//库存
); create table order(//创建订单表
oid int,
gid int,//哪个商品的订单
much smallint//买了几个商品
); insert into goods values (1,'猫',34),(2,'马',65),(3,'猪',21);
insert into orde values (1,1,2); delimiter $ //begin end中间有语句后面有分号,语句最后也有分号,所以区分不了,这里告诉mysql以$符号作为最后结束符。
create trigger t1
on orde
for each row
update goods set num=num-2 where gid=1;
end$ //现在结束符已经是$了,要手动修改过来,delimiter ; mysql> show triggers;
| Trigger | Event | Table | Statement | Timing | Created | sql_mode | character_set_client | collation_connection | Database Collation |
| t1 | INSERT | orde | begin
update goods set num=num-2 where gid=1;
end | AFTER | 2017-12-27 21:47:13.47 | ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION | skip-grants user@skip-grants host | utf8 | utf8_general_ci | utf8_general_ci |
1 row in set mysql> insert into orde values (3,3,3);//然后goods表就更新了。 mysql> truncate orde$ //清空表
mysql> drop trigger t1$ //删除触发器 //插入订单触发器,添加的叫做new
mysql> delimiter $
create trigger t2
on orde
for each row
update goods set num=num-new.num where gid=new.gid;//new是插入orde的那个新行
end$ mysql> insert into orde values (1,3,21)$ //goods表就自动更新了 //删除订单触发器, 被删除的叫old
mysql> delimiter $
create trigger t3
on orde
for each row
update goods set num=num-old.num where gid=old.gid;//old是删除orde的那个新行
end$ mysql> delete from orde where gid=1$ //goods表就自动更新了 //改订单触发器,改之前叫做old改之后叫做new
mysql> delimiter $
create trigger t4
update on orde
for each row
update goods set num=new.num + old.num where gid=old.gid;//old是删除orde的那个新行
end$ mysql> update orde set num=5 where gid=1$ //如果库存只有3头猪,客户要买10头猪,能否在much>num时候,把much改为num,
mysql> delimiter $
create trigger t5
before //不能用after,
on orde for each row
begin declare
rnum int;//声明变量rnum为int型,为订单的数量,也就是要删除的数量, select num into rnum from goods where gid=new.gid;//new.gid要插入订单的新行,num是库存量,
if rnum < new.num then
set new.num=1;
end if; update goods set num=num-new.num where gid=new.gid;//new是插入orde的那个新行
end$ mysql> insert into orde values(1,2,77)$ //for each row:触发器分为语句级触发器,行级触发器,
create trigger tn
after update
on xxtable
for each row
end$ 执行:update xxtable set xxx=xxx where id>100;//修改了100行
那么sql会被触发100次。 mysql> create trigger t6
on orde
for each row //每一行受影响,触发器都执行,
insert into ceshi values (1);
end$ mysql> update orde set num=10 where gid=3$ //插入了4次 //oracle中for each row 不写,无论影响了多少行,都只执行一次,
//比如,有人下一个订单,买了5件商品,可以用行触发器insert5次商品,用语句触发器,insert1条发货提醒。然而mysql不支持语句级触发器,所以for each row不能省略。oracle可以不写for each row成为语句级触发器。


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