Python 判断是否存在Excel表,无则生成,有则删除重建

import os
import xlwt
from openpyxl import workbook def sheet_method(work_book, add_sheet=[]):
wk = work_book
# rename default sheet
ss_sheet = wk.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet')
ss_sheet.title = add_sheet[] for i in range(, len(add_sheet)):
# add new sheet
wk.create_sheet(add_sheet[i]) # switch to active sheet
sheet_num = wk.get_sheet_names()
last_sheet = len(sheet_num) -
sheet_index = sheet_num.index(sheet_num[last_sheet]) = sheet_index def create_excel(filename="filename.xlsx", recreate=False, add_sheet=[]):
Judge whether there is exist appointed Excel file, create it if not exist, otherwise delete and recreate it
:param filename:
""" # .xls后缀结尾的只能用xlwt模块写,只能写2的16次方即65,535条数据
# path = os.path.join(os.getcwd()+r'\test.xls')
# .xlsx的只能用openpyxl模块写,这模块能写2的32次方即4,,,296的数据
path = os.path.join(os.getcwd() + "\\" + filename + ".xlsx")
p1 = os.path.exists(path)
if p1:
if recreate:
wk = workbook.Workbook()
sheet_method(wk, add_sheet)
# save workbook
print("Had been deleted and recreated " + filename)
# error_info = 'Exist ' + filename + ' in path: ' + path\
# + " Please use another filename, otherwise the "\
# + filename + " file will be override"\
# + " if you need override please set recreate as Ture"
# raise Exception, error_info
# filename = xlwt.Workbook()
wk = workbook.Workbook()
sheet_method(wk, add_sheet)
# save workbook
# print("you had create " + filename) create_excel("test2222", recreate=True, add_sheet=["rebuild3", "rebuild4"])

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