redis.connection — redis-py 2.10.5 documentation

实例化后 应关闭所有连接,或者 释放该连接,避免 端口号被耗尽

from redis import *
redis_key = ['', '6379', 'nfwt&2016', 4]
def return_redis(redis_key):
rds = Redis(host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT, password=PASSWORD, db=db)
return rds
rds = return_redis(redis_key)

est 150 天前 ♥ 1
redis-py 真是想各种吐槽

- 连接池不能负载均衡
- 连接池不能读写分离
- zadd 不支持 nx 等参数
- zadd 那个坑死无数新人的参数顺序。
lolizeppelin 150 天前 via Android
你们用都不看源码的么 那个链接池简陋得连心跳都没 你们也直接用
geew 150 天前
@lolizeppelin #3 源码看了 确实简陋 有别的选择吗 基本都在用这个库的吧
geew 150 天前
@est #2 确实 有更好的库可以选择吗
lolizeppelin 150 天前 via Android
当然自己重新封装 自己写心跳啊
swulling 150 天前

吐槽不如提 Pull Request 就好了
swulling 150 天前
如果发现已经有 Pull Request,+1 求合并就好了,求合并的人多了,自然受重视

lolizeppelin 150 天前 via Android
没用的 对比下 kombu 的代码 就知道了 这玩意就是个基本接口根本没打算做全功能

就算是 kombu openstack 还再封装过一遍

        return self.execute_command(command, *pieces, **kwargs)

[docs]class Redis(StrictRedis):
Provides backwards compatibility with older versions of redis-py that
changed arguments to some commands to be more Pythonic, sane, or by
""" # Overridden callbacks
'TTL': lambda r: r >= 0 and r or None,
'PTTL': lambda r: r >= 0 and r or None,
) [docs] def pipeline(self, transaction=True, shard_hint=None):
Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for
later execution. ``transaction`` indicates whether all commands
should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations
atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead
between the client and server.
return Pipeline(
shard_hint) [docs] def setex(self, name, value, time):
Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` that expires in ``time``
seconds. ``time`` can be represented by an integer or a Python
timedelta object.
if isinstance(time, datetime.timedelta):
time = time.seconds + time.days * 24 * 3600
return self.execute_command('SETEX', name, time, value) [docs] def lrem(self, name, value, num=0):
Remove the first ``num`` occurrences of elements equal to ``value``
from the list stored at ``name``. The ``num`` argument influences the operation in the following ways:
num > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail.
num < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head.
num = 0: Remove all elements equal to value.
return self.execute_command('LREM', name, num, value) [docs] def zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
NOTE: The order of arguments differs from that of the official ZADD
command. For backwards compatability, this method accepts arguments
in the form of name1, score1, name2, score2, while the official Redis
documents expects score1, name1, score2, name2. If you're looking to use the standard syntax, consider using the
StrictRedis class. See the API Reference section of the docs for more
information. Set any number of element-name, score pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs
can be specified in two ways: As *args, in the form of: name1, score1, name2, score2, ...
or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ... The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key:
redis.zadd('my-key', 'name1', 1.1, 'name2', 2.2, name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
pieces = []
if args:
if len(args) % 2 != 0:
raise RedisError("ZADD requires an equal number of "
"values and scores")
for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
return self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces) class PubSub(object):


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