SQL Server 机考,用T-SQL编写 简单实例
变量名 |
数据类型 |
是否为空 |
描 述 |
StuID |
int |
主键,标识列,学号 |
StuName |
nvarchar(20) |
否 |
学生姓名 |
StuSex |
nchar(1) |
否 |
性别(必须是男或女) |
StuGrade |
int |
否 |
年级编号 |
StuEmail |
nvarchar(20) |
是 |
邮箱 |
StuAddress |
nvarchar(20) |
是 |
地址(默认“四川”) |
变量名 |
数据类型 |
是否为空 |
描 述 |
ID |
int |
StudentInfo的表外键ID,学号 |
ScoreInfo |
float |
是 |
分数(分数必须:分数 大于-1并且小于150) |
SubjectId |
int |
否 |
科目编号 |
ExamDate |
datetime |
否 |
考试时间 |
ID |
Name |
SexID |
Grade |
Address |
1 |
张三 |
男 |
1 |
zhangsan@qq.com |
南京 |
2 |
王五 |
男 |
2 |
wangwu@qq.com |
深圳 |
3 |
张丽 |
女 |
1 |
zhangli@qq.com |
四川 |
… |
… |
… |
… |
… |
… |
ID |
ScoreInfo |
SubjectId |
ExamDate |
1 |
65 |
1 |
2018-7-21 |
1 |
75.5 |
2 |
2018-7-21 |
2 |
87 |
1 |
2018-7-21 |
2 |
46 |
2 |
2018-7-21 |
3 |
53.6 |
1 |
2018-7-21 |
… |
… |
… |
… |
use master go --判断数据库是否存在,有则删除 if (exists (select * from sys.databases where name = 'MySchol')) drop database MySchol --创建数据库 create database MySchol on( name = 'MySchol', filename = 'S:\SQL\MySchol.mdf' ) log on( name = 'testHome_log', filename = 'S:\SQL\MySchol_log.ldf' ) go -- 使用(切换到数据库)数据库 use MySchol --判断数据库表是否存在,有则删除 if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'Student')) drop database Student --创建表Student create table Student( StuID int not null, StuName nvarchar(20) not null, StuSex nchar(1) not null, StuGrade int not null, StuEmail nvarchar(20) null, StuAddress nvarchar(20) null DEFAULT '四川' ) if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'ScoreInfo')) drop database ScoreInfo create table ScoreInfo( ID int not null, ScoreInfo float null, SubjectId int not null, ExamDate datetime not null, StuEmail nvarchar(20) null, ) go --添加Student表主键 alter table Student add constraint pk_id primary key(StuID); --性别约束 alter table Student add constraint xingbie check(StuSex='男' or StuSex='女'); --添加外键约束 alter table ScoreInfo add constraint fk_cid foreign key (ID) references Student(StuID) --分数约束 alter table ScoreInfo add constraint fenshu check(ScoreInfo > -1 AND ScoreInfo < 150); --Student插入数据 insert into Student values(1, '张三', '男', 1, 'zhangsan@qq.com', '南京'); insert into Student values(2, '王五', '男', 2, 'wangwu@qq.com', '深圳'); insert into Student values(3, '张丽', '女', 1, 'zhangli@qq.com', '四川'); insert into ScoreInfo values(1, 65, 1, '2018-7-21',null); insert into ScoreInfo values(1, 75.5, 2, '2018-7-21',null); insert into ScoreInfo values(2, 87, 1, '2018-7-21',null); insert into ScoreInfo values(2, 46, 2, '2018-7-21',null); insert into ScoreInfo values(3, 53.6, 1, '2018-7-21',null); --查询张三成绩 select ScoreInfo as '张三' from ScoreInfo; --查询所有科目都合格的学生--由于刚学不久,只能凑合实现 SELECT StuName FROM Student WHERE StuID IN (SELECT COUNT(*) as '合格科目数' FROM ScoreInfo WHERE ScoreInfo > 60 GROUP BY ID HAVING ID>1)
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