






 #include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = ;
int det[maxn][maxn], res[maxn], var, equ;
char str[][] = {"","MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT" , "SUN"};
int Day (char s[])
for (int i=; i<; i++)
if (strcmp(s, str[i]) == )
return i;
int gauss ()
int col, k;
for (k=col=; k<equ&&col<var; k++, col++)
int Max_i = k;
for (int i=k+; i<equ; i++)
if (abs(det[i][col]) > abs(det[Max_i][col]))
Max_i = i;
if (Max_i != k)
for (int i=col; i<=var; i++)
swap (det[k][i], det[Max_i][i]);
if (det[k][col] == )
k --;
for (int i=k+; i<equ; i++)
if (det[i][col])
int x = det[i][col];
int y = det[k][col];
for (int j=col; j<=var; j++)
det[i][j] = ((det[i][j]*y - det[k][j]*x) % + ) % ;
int temp = , i, j;
for (i=; i<equ; i++)
for (j=; j<var; j++)
if (det[i][j])
if (j == var)
if (det[i][j])
return ;//增广矩阵无解
else if (i < var)//增广矩阵存在不确定变元
temp ++;
if (temp || var > equ)
return ;//增广矩阵存在不确定变元 for (i=var-; i>=; i--)
temp = ;
for (j=i+; j<var; j++)
temp = (temp + det[i][j] * res[j]) % ;
for (j=; j<; j++)//枚举每个零件的加工时长
if ((temp + det[i][i]*j)% == det[i][var])
res[i] = j;
if (j == )//当有某个零件的加工时长不在[3,9]之间,则不符合题意,无解
return ;
return ;
int main ()
while (scanf ("%d %d", &var, &equ), var+equ)
int k, x;
char st[maxn], et[maxn];
memset (det, , sizeof(det));
for (int i=; i<equ; i++)
scanf ("%d %s %s", &k, st, et);
while (k --)
scanf ("%d", &x);
det[i][x-] ++;
det[i][var] = Day(et) - Day(st) + ;
for (int i=; i<equ; i++)//这里一定要去次余,如果det[i][j]是7的倍数,在划成阶梯阵的过程中很有可能会错
for (int j=; j<=var; j++)
det[i][j] = (det[i][j] % + ) % ;
int ans = gauss();
if (ans == )
printf ("Inconsistent data.\n");
else if (ans == )
printf ("Multiple solutions.\n");
for (int i=; i<var; i++)
printf ("%d%c", res[i], i==var-?'\n':' ');
return ;

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