
在kibana根目录运行命令:NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect --debug' npm start

也可以尝试命令:NODE_OPTIONS="--debug-brk --inspect'  npm start

npm start 可替换为 ./bin/kibana 或 ${project_dir}/src/cli



caocy@ubuntu1:~/workspace/kibana-5.6.5$ NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect --debug' npm start

> kibana@5.6.5 start /home/caocy/workspace/kibana-5.6.5
> sh ./bin/kibana --dev Debugger listening on port 9229.
Warning: This is an experimental feature and could change at any time.
To start debugging, open the following URL in Chrome:
watching for changes (407 files)
Debugger listening on port 5859.
Warning: This is an experimental feature and could change at any time.
To start debugging, open the following URL in Chrome:
Debugger listening on port 5860.
Warning: This is an experimental feature and could change at any time.
To start debugging, open the following URL in Chrome:
log [04:08:49.225] [info][listening] basePath Proxy running at
optmzr log [04:08:53.402] [info][status][ui settings] Status changed from uninitialized to disabled - uiSettings.enabled config is set to `false`
optmzr log [04:08:54.713] [info][optimize] Lazy optimization of bundles for kibana, stateSessionStorageRedirect, timelion, sense-tests and status_page ready
server log [04:08:54.747] [info][optimize] Waiting for optimizer completion
optmzr log [04:08:54.771] [info][optimize] Lazy optimization started
optmzr log [04:08:54.801] [info] Plugin initialization disabled.
server log [04:08:54.885] [info][status][plugin:kibana@5.6.5] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
server log [04:08:55.139] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch@5.6.5] Status changed from uninitialized to yellow - Waiting for Elasticsearch
server log [04:08:55.220] [info][status][plugin:console@5.6.5] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
server log [04:08:55.294] [info][status][plugin:metrics@5.6.5] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
server log [04:08:55.341] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch@5.6.5] Status changed from yellow to green - Kibana index ready
server log [04:08:55.871] [info][status][plugin:timelion@5.6.5] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
server log [04:08:55.880] [info][listening] Server running at
server log [04:08:55.883] [info][status][ui settings] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
optmzr log [04:09:49.859] [info][optimize] Lazy optimization success in 55.08 seconds

Debugging Node.js with Chrome DevTools:

Support for Node.js debuggability landed in Node.js in 2016. Here’s how to get up and running. (Post updated Jan 2018)

1. Download and install the current version of node(v6.3.0+ required)

2. Run node with the --inspect flag:

node --inspect index.js

# Break on the first statement of the script with --inspect-brk
node --inspect-brk index.js

(In Node 6, you have to use --inspect --debug-brk for this inspect & pseudo-breakpoint combo.)

Next, you used to open the big chrome-devtools:// URL it spits out, but don’t. Now there’s a better way…

3. Open about:inspect in Chrome

It’ll redirect you to chrome://inspect quickly and you’ll see something like:

set targets:

4. Click the Open dedicated DevTools for Node link.

You’ll get a popup window for debugging your node session.

But better than that, when you kill and restart node, the window will automatically reconnect to it.

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