One way declared types in Java differ from one another is whether the type is a class (which includes enums) or an interface (which includes annotation types). An independent property of a type is its relation to the surrounding lexical context.
top level class does not appear inside another class or interface. If a type is not top level it is nested. However, there are a number of distinct ways a type can be nested. First, a type can be a member of another type; a member type is directly enclosed by another type declaration. All member types have names; however, some member types are inner classes and others are not. If a type is explicitly or implicitly static, it is not an inner class; all member interfaces are implicitly static.
Inner classes also include local classes, which are named classes declared inside of a block like a method or constructor body, and anonymous classes, which are unnamed classes whose instances are created in expressions and statements. Anonymous classes are used to implement specialized enum constants. Inner classes have access to instance variables of any lexically 词汇方面 enclosing instance; that is, the fields of the object an inner class is created in reference to. However, not all inner classes have enclosing instances; inner classes in static contexts, like an anonymous class used in a static initializer block, do not.
The Venn diagram below shows how these distinctions relate and combine; in particular, member-ness and inner-ness are not orthogonal properties.



(1)除了static member class可以使用static field与static method、static block外,其它都不可以用static修改。

(2)A member interface is implicitly static (§9.1.1). It is permitted for the declaration of a member interface to redundantly specify the static modifier.

(3)Nested enum types are implicitly static. It is permissible to explicitly declare a nested enum type to be static.This implies that it is impossible to define a local (§14.3) enum, or to define an enum in an inner class (§8.1.3).

(4)The access modifier public (§6.6) pertains only to top level classes (§7.6) and to member classes (§8.5), not to local classes (§14.3) or anonymous classes (§15.9.5).

(5)The access modifiers protected and private (§6.6) pertain only to member classes within a directly enclosing class or enum declaration (§8.5).

(6)The modifier static pertains only to member classes (§8.5.1), not to top level or local or anonymous classes.

(7)A local class is a nested class (§8) that is not a member of any class and that has a name (§6.2§6.7).

public void test(){
		class A{
			class B{}

按照定义,则类B应该不为local class。等待确认..... 

(1)嵌套静态类是任何一个在另外一个类或者接口的代码体中声明的类,它作为外嵌类或者接口的静态成员。嵌套静态类的行为类似于顶级类,唯一的差别是嵌套静态类前除了有 Java 包的名字以外还有外嵌类的名字。嵌套静态类是静态成员,因此没有 this 指针指向外嵌类的实例,也就是说嵌套静态类不能访问外嵌类的实例数据。当一个重要的数据结构紧密的关联与外嵌类,并且该数据结构有足够的内容保证它能够拥有一个类的时候,一般情况下我们可以使用嵌套静态类。
(2)内部类的可视范围是它的直接外嵌类(这一点和嵌套静态类不同,嵌套类在其外嵌类之外也是可视的),也就是说内部类可以直接引用外嵌类中的任何成员。因为内部类与外嵌类的实例相关,所以内部类拥有两个 this 指针,一个指向内部类的实例本身,一个指向外嵌类实例。内部类的一个主要用途是用于 GUI 的事件处理程序。
(3)本地类是在代码块中声明的,因此它不是外嵌类的成员。一般来说,本地类在方法中进行声明。成员类和本地类的差别很小,通过把本地类移到方法的外部,我们可以很容易得把它转换成为成员类。它们两个之间最重要的差别是,本地类只能访问 final 的变量或者参数。  
(4)匿名类允许我们把类的定义和实例的分配组合在一起。无须像其它任何嵌套类那样进行声明,我们可以直接用 new SomeClass() 实例化对象,并且在实例化的位置把整个类的实现都放在花括号中。
interface IOuter{
	int a = 2;  // only public, static & final are permitted
	class INestedClass{ // only public ,static are permitted


public class TopLevelClass{
	class NestedClass{ // only static,public,protected,private,final are permitted


	class InnerClass{ // only public,protected,private,final are permitted


	public void test(){
		class LocalClass{ // only abstract or final is permitted



class WithInner {
	class Inner {	}

class InheritInner extends WithInner.Inner {
	// 第一种写法
	InheritInner(WithInner wi) {
	// 第二种写法
	InheritInner() {
		new WithInner().super();

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		WithInner wi = new WithInner();
		InheritInner ii = new InheritInner(wi);


这是在《JAVA编程思想》上看到的一道例题,是关于继承inner classes(内隐类)的。由于inner class的构造函数必须连接到一个reference指向outer class对象身上,所以当你继承inner class时,事情便稍微复杂些。问题出在“指向outer class对象”的那个神秘reference必须被初始化。但derived class之内不存在可连接的缺省对象,这个问题的答案是,使用专用语法,明确产生该关联性: 





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