One way to serialize a binary tree is to use pre-order traversal. When we encounter a non-null node, we record the node's value. If it is a null node, we record using a sentinel value such as #.

/ \
3 2
/ \ / \
4 1 # 6
/ \ / \ / \
# # # # # #

For example, the above binary tree can be serialized to the string "9,3,4,#,#,1,#,#,2,#,6,#,#", where # represents a null node.

Given a string of comma separated values, verify whether it is a correct preorder traversal serialization of a binary tree. Find an algorithm without reconstructing the tree.

Each comma separated value in the string must be either an integer or a character '#' representing null pointer.

You may assume that the input format is always valid, for example it could never contain two consecutive commas such as "1,,3".

Example 1:
Return true

Example 2:
Return false

Example 3:
Return false

1. 栈

class Solution {
bool isValidSerialization(string preorder) {
stack<char> stk;
bool isNum = false;
preorder.push_back(','); // dummy tail for(auto c: preorder){
if(c == '#'){
// absorb: search for pattern `#, number` backward
while(!stk.empty() && == '#'){
stk.pop(); // pop `#`
if(stk.empty() || == '#') return false; // pattern `#,#,#`
stk.pop(); // pop `number`
stk.push('#'); // replace `number` with `#` since it has been fully explored/validated
}else if(c == ','){
if(isNum) stk.push('n'); // indicate this is a number instead of using the real number
isNum = false;
isNum = true;
} return stk.size() == && == '#';

2. 不用栈

class Solution {
bool isValidSerialization(string preorder) {
string& s = preorder;
while (s.size() >= ) {
bool find_pattern = false;
for (int i = s.size()-; i>= ; i--) {
if (s[i] == '#' && s[i-] == '#' && s[i-] != '#') {
find_pattern = true;
int j = i--;
/* find the start place of pattern */
while (j > && s[j] != ',') j--;
s.replace(j+, i-j, "#"); /* replace s[j+1, i] to "#" */
break; /* start a trun search from the end */
if (!find_pattern) break;
} /* boundary: empty tree */
return (s.size() == && s[] == '#');


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