#!/usr/bin/env python

# addr2sym.py - resolve addresses to symbols, using a map file
# Reads a log file, and map file, and substitutes function
# names and offsets for numeric values in the log.
# The re-written log file is sent to standard out.
# A normal usage looks like:
# cat boot.log | addr2sym -m linux-2.6.7/System.map >boot.lst
import sys
import fileinput
import string
import re def startswith(str, pattern):
if string.find(str, pattern)==0:
return 1
return 0 def print_error(str):
sys.stderr.flush() # returns function map (key=addr, value=funcname) and
# a list of function tuples (addr, funcname)
def read_map(filename):
funcmap = {}
funclist = []
f = open(filename)
print_error("Error: Cannot read map file: %s" % filename)
usage() for line in f.readlines():
#print("debug " + line)
(addr_str, symtype, funcname) = string.split(line, None, 2) #print(addr_str + "," + symtype + "," + funcname)
#yzg remove "\n\t"
funcmap[addr_str] = funcname.strip() addr = eval("0x" + addr_str + "L")
funclist.append((addr, funcname))

          #sort the list, since moudule address not in seq.
               funclist.sort(key=lambda x:x[0]) return (funcmap, funclist) callsite_cache = {} # return string with function and offset for a given address
def lookup_sym(funcmap, funclist, addr_str):
global callsite_cache try:
return funcmap[addr_str]
pass # no exact match found, now do binary search for closest function # convert address from string to number
addr = eval(addr_str) # if address is outside range of addresses in the
# map file, just return the address without converting it
if addr < funclist[0][0] or addr > funclist[-1][0]:
return addr_str if callsite_cache.has_key(addr):
return callsite_cache[addr] # do a binary search in funclist for the function
# use a collapsing range to find the closest addr
lower = 0
upper = len(funclist)-1
while (lower != upper-1):
guess_index = lower + (upper-lower)/2
guess_addr = funclist[guess_index][0]
if addr < guess_addr:
upper = guess_index
if addr >= guess_addr:
lower = guess_index offset = addr-funclist[lower][0]
name = funclist[lower][1]
if startswith(name, "."):
name = name[1:]
func_str = "%s+0x%x" % (name, offset)
callsite_cache[addr] = func_str
return func_str def usage():
print "Usage: addr2sym <infile -m mapfile >outfile"
print "\nexample:"
print "addr2sym <boot.log -m linux-2.6.7/System.map >boot.lst"
sys.exit(1) def main():
# user must have "-m mapfile" at a minimum
# TODO: You can also try to read /proc/kallsym (perhaps with in-situ option)
if len(sys.argv)<3:
print_error("Error: no map file specified")
usage() mapfilename = ""
i = 0
while i < len(sys.argv):
if sys.argv[i]=="-m":
mapfilename = sys.argv[i+1]
# remove the args from the argument list
i = i+1 if not mapfilename:
print_error("Error: missing map file name")
usage() # read function names and addresses from map file
(funcmap, funclist) = read_map(mapfilename) for line in fileinput.input():
# strip trailing \n, if present
if line[-1]=='\n':
line = line[:-1] # convert all hex numbers to symbols plus offsets
# try to preserve column spacing in the output
tmp = line
new_line = ""
#m = re.match(r".*?call_site=([0-9abcdef]+)(\s*)", tmp)
m = 1 if m:
# addr is match for re group 1, look it up
#addr_str = "0x" + tmp[m.start(1): m.end(1)]
addr_str = "0x" + tmp #print 'lookup ' + addr_str
func = lookup_sym(funcmap, funclist, addr_str) if func[0] != '0':
print func # replace call_site address with call_site symbol name
#new_line = new_line + tmp[:m.start(1)] + func + tmp[m.end(1):]
#end = m.end(1) # pad line to keep columns the same
# whitespace might match or not. If it does, it's
# group 2 from the regex above. #if len(m.groups())>1: # if we also matched whitespace
# end = m.end(2)
# pad_count = (m.end(2)-m.start(1))-len(func)
# if pad_count < 1: pad_count=1
# new_line = new_line + " "*pad_count #if new_line:
# line = new_line
#print line if __name__=="__main__":


grep --binary-files=text "NMI Watchdog" -A 30 vmcore_1.7-20151012_ra2xx_2015-10-13_09_28.10

#cat addr3.txt

#translate the addr to function name:
#./addr2sym.py  < addr3.txt -m vmcore_kallsyms_1.7-20151012_ra2xx_2015-10-13_09_26.29

_ieee80211_free_node    [umac]+0x25c
ieee80211_complete_wbuf    [umac]+0xec
ath_hal_reg_read    [ath_hal]+0x0

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