Building and Running a Target

Each P4 program (called a 'target') is set up in a directory under targets/. Inside the target directory is a Makefile with the instructions on how to build the behavioral model for that P4 program.

cd targets/project_name
make bm

This should result in an executable in the same directory called "behavioral_model"

大概意思:P4程序 也叫‘Target’,是在 target/.目录下建立的;在这个target目录下,是一个Makefile文件,和一个介绍如何为P4程序build一个行为模型的文件。


cd /home/wasdns/p4factory/targets/switch

make bm

Integration with Mininet 和 Mininet 一起运行

Integration with Mininet provides a way to instantiate a network of nodes each running a data plane described in P4.

We provide a Mininet integration for one of our existing targets: simple_router

To run it, do the following:

cd p4factory/targets/simple_router/
make bm

To install some table entries, run the following (in a different terminal):




You can then type commands in the Mininet CLI:

mininet> h1 ping h2

建立了一个简单拓扑,但是h1和h2并没有ping通。这让我很奇怪,h1 ping s1 还有 h2 ping s1 都没有问题。

Creating a New Target

To add a new target, cd to targets/ and run:

p4factory/tools/ project_name

where project_name is the name of the P4 program (without the .p4 extension). This will create a new directory in targets/ called project_name/, set it up to build the behavioral model, and create a template for the P4 program there named project_name.p4. Then, edit that file or copy your P4 program to that file and make in that directory.

这个就是生成P4程序的命令了;可以用这个命令创建一个没有.p4后缀的P4程序,在targets/目录下,在该目录下创建一个文件 .p4,用vim编辑它或者直接把P4代码拷贝过去,make即可。

P4 Dependency Graph Generator

这个命令是用来辅助生成P4程序的依赖图表的:The relationships between tables of more complex P4 program can be difficult to comprehend. The p4-graphs utility parses through the the P4 program and generates a dependency graph using graphviz. The dependency graph can be generated with the following command:

p4-graphs <p4 code>

The resulting files can be viewed using xdot or with a PNG viewer.

Towards a better behavioral model: bmv2


We have released a new version of the behavioral model, written in C++. Some targets already support this new model -in addition to the original version, p4c-behavioral. If you see a target with a bmv2 directory, it means the new model is supported and you can try it out!

The new model splits the switch logic and the auto-generated PD API (drivers) into 2 different processes.


For example, the l2_switch target supports bmv2. To run the code, you can do the following:

cd targets/l2_switch/bmv2/
make bm
./ # to start the data plane


sudo ./drivers    # in a second terminal, to start the PD APIs (RPC server)


sudo python --test-dir tests/ptf-tests/


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