Divide two integers without using multiplication, division and mod operator.

If it is overflow, return MAX_INT.

思路I:做减法,直到被除数<除数。但结果 Time Limit Exceeded

class Solution {
int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
if(divisor==) //分母为0
return INT_MAX; long int lDividend = dividend;
long int lDivisor = divisor;
long int quote=;
bool pos = (lDividend>= && lDivisor>) || (lDividend< && lDivisor<);
lDividend = abs(lDividend);
lDivisor = abs(lDivisor); while(lDividend >= lDivisor){
} if(pos && -quote==INT_MIN){
return INT_MAX;
return (int) pos?quote:(-quote);


class Solution {
int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
if(divisor==) //分母为0
return INT_MAX; int res = ;
if(dividend==INT_MIN) //handle overflow
return INT_MAX;
res = ;
dividend += abs(divisor);
if(divisor==INT_MIN) //handle overflow
return res; bool isNeg = ((dividend^divisor)>>!=)?true:false; //判断两数相乘除的结果
dividend = abs(dividend);
divisor = abs(divisor);
int digit = ; //标记除数乘了多少次2 //将除数向左移到最大
while(divisor<=(dividend>>)) //与被除数除2相比,为防止overflow
divisor <<= ;
} while(digit>=)
dividend -= divisor;
res += <<digit; //除数左移了digit次,商就要加上2^digit
divisor >>= ;
return isNeg?-res:res;

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