php 分页类
*/ class Page_Link
var $page_max = 10; //一组页码的最大数 var $page_num = 10; //总页数
var $length = 20; //一页的数据条数 var $isNextPage = true;
var $isFirstPage = false; function Calculation_Page_Num( $total )
$this->page_num = ceil( $total / $this->length );
return $this->page_num;
} function Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page = 1 )
// 定义左右偏移量
$py_left = 0;
$py_right = 0;
// 定义左右边界
$bj_left = 0;
$bj_right = 0;
// 定义滚动区间边界
$gd_left = 0;
$gd_right = 0;
// 判断是否需要分组
if ( ( $this->page_num - $this->page_max ) <= 0 )
// 不需要分组
$bj_left = 1;
$bj_right = $this->page_num;
// 要进行分组
// 判断容量的奇偶
$tmp = $this->page_max % 2;
if ( $tmp === 1 )
// 奇数
$py_left = $py_right = ( $this->page_max - 1 ) / 2;
// 偶数
$py_left = $this->page_max / 2 - 1;
$py_right = $this->page_max / 2;
// 计算滚动区间
$gd_left = 1 + $py_left;
$gd_right = $this->page_num - $py_right;
// 判断当前页是否落入了滚动区间
if ( $act_page >= $gd_left && $act_page <= $gd_right )
// 区间内
$bj_left = $act_page - $py_left;
$bj_right = $act_page + $py_right;
// 区间外
if ( ( $act_page - $py_left ) <= 1 )
// 左侧固定区间
$bj_left = 1;
$bj_right = $this->page_max;
$bj_left = $this->page_num - $this->page_max + 1;
$bj_right = $this->page_num;
} $res = array();
$res['min'] = $bj_left;
$res['max'] = $bj_right; return $res; }
// 主方法
function make_page( $total, $act_page, $url, $param )
$page_num = $this->Calculation_Page_Num( $total );
$arr_min_max = $this->Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page ); if (!eregi("([?|&]$param=)", $url)) {
$url = strpos($url,"?")===false?$url."?":$url."&";
$url = $url."$param=0";
} if ( $act_page > $page_num )
$act_page = $page_num;
// 用正则把url改成正规的
$url = eregi_replace( $param . '=[0-9]+', $param . '=0', $url ); $res = array();
$d = 0;
for( $i = $arr_min_max['min'];$i <= $arr_min_max['max'];$i++ )
if ( $i == $act_page )
$res[$d]['url'] = '';
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
$res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
} if ( $this->isNextPage )
$res = $this->make_before_next_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
if ( $this->isFirstPage )
$res = $this->make_first_end_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
return $res;
//// 带总页数
function make_page_with_total( $total, $act_page, $url, $param )
$page_num = $this->Calculation_Page_Num( $total );
$arr_min_max = $this->Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page ); if (!eregi("([?|&]$param=)", $url)) {
$url = strpos($url,"?")===false?$url."?":$url."&";
$url = $url."$param=0";
} if ( $act_page > $page_num )
$act_page = $page_num;
// 用正则把url改成正规的
$url = eregi_replace( $param . '=[0-9]+', $param . '=0', $url ); $res = array();
$d = 0;
for( $i = $arr_min_max['min'];$i <= $arr_min_max['max'];$i++ )
if ( $i == $act_page )
$res[$d]['url'] = '';
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
$res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
} if ( $this->isNextPage )
$res = $this->make_before_next_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
if ( $this->isFirstPage )
$res = $this->make_first_end_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
} $total_num= ceil($total/$this->length);
return $result;
} // 附加上一页和下一页
function make_before_next_link( $arr, $act, $url, $param )
$tmp = array(); $before = $act - 1;
$next = $act + 1; if ( $before < 1 )
$before = 1;
$tmp[0]['url'] = '';
$tmp[0]['name'] = "上一页";
$tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
$tmp[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $before, $url );
$tmp[0]['name'] = "上一页";
$tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
} $counts = sizeof( $arr );
$tmp_count = sizeof( $tmp );
for( $i = 0;$i < $counts;$i++ )
$tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = $arr[$i]['url'];
$tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = $arr[$i]['name'];
$tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $arr[$i]['no'];
} if ( $next > $this->page_num )
$next = $this->page_num;
$tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = '';
$tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "下一页";
$tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
$tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $next, $url );
$tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "下一页";
$tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
} return $tmp;
} // 附加首页和尾页
function make_first_end_link( $arr, $act, $url, $param )
$tmp = array(); $before = 1;
$next = $this->page_num; if ( $act == 1 )
$before = 1;
$tmp[0]['url'] = '';
$tmp[0]['name'] = "首页";
$tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
$tmp[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $before, $url );
$tmp[0]['name'] = "首页";
$tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
} $counts = sizeof( $arr );
$tmp_count = sizeof( $tmp );
for( $i = 0;$i < $counts;$i++ )
$tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = $arr[$i]['url'];
$tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = $arr[$i]['name'];
$tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $arr[$i]['no'];
} if ( $act == $this->page_num )
$tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = '';
$tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "尾页";
$tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
$tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $next, $url );
$tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "尾页";
$tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
} return $tmp;
} /**
* 带上一页<,下一页>,省略号的分页
* @param int $total 记录总条数
* @param int $act_page 当前页码
* @param string $url url
* @param int $maxpageicon 最大显示页码数
* @param int $style 上一页,下一页显示样式
* @param string $param url参数
function make_page_with_points( $total,$act_page,$url,$maxpageicon,$style,$param )
$page_num = $this->Calculation_Page_Num( $total ); //总页数
$arr_min_max = $this->Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page ); //最大页,最小页
return ""; }
if( $act_page > $page_num )
$act_page = $page_num+1;
$page_num = $page_num+1;
} switch ($style){
case 1:
$name_before = '前一页';
$name_next = '后一页';
case 2:
$name_before = '<';
$name_next = '>';
case 3:
$name_before = '<<';
$name_next = '>>';
$name_before = '上一页';
$name_next = '下一页';
} if (!eregi("([?|&]$param=)", $url)) {
$url = strpos($url,"?")===false?$url."?":$url."&";
$url = $url."$param=0";
} // 用正则把url改成正规的
$url = eregi_replace( $param . '=[0-9]+', $param . '=0', $url );
$res = array();
$no_before = $act_page-1;
$no_next = $act_page+1; //总页数如果小于等于初始化最大呈现页数
if ($page_num<= ($maxpageicon + 1))
//如果当前页数是首页 上一页无效
if ($act_page == 1)
$res[0]['url'] = '';
$res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
$res[0]['no'] = $no_before;
else //上一页有效
$res[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page - 1), $url );
$res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
$res[0]['no'] = $no_before;
$d = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $page_num; $i++)
if ($i != $act_page)
$res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
else //当前页,页码
$res[$d]['url'] = '';
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
$res[$d]['attr'] = 'current';
$last_d = count($res);
if($act_page == $page_num) //下一页无效
$res[$last_d]['url'] = '';
$res[$last_d]['name'] = $name_next;
$res[$last_d]['no'] = $no_next;
$res[$last_d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page + 1), $url );
$res[$last_d]['name'] = $name_next;
$res[$last_d]['no'] = $no_next;
}else if ($page_num > ($maxpageicon + 1))//如果总页数满足添加省略号
if ($act_page <= $maxpageicon) //如果当前页小于等于初始化数目
//如果当前页数是首页 上一页无效
if ($act_page == 1)
$res[0]['url'] = '';
$res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
$res[0]['no'] = $no_before;
else //上一页有效
$res[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page - 1), $url );
$res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
$res[0]['no'] = $no_before;
$d = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxpageicon; $i++)
if ($i != $act_page)
$res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
else //当前页,页码
$res[$d]['url'] = '';
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
$res[$d]['attr'] = 'current';
$last_d = count($res);
$res[$last_d]['url'] = '';
$res[$last_d]['name'] = '...';
$res[$last_d]['no'] = '';
$res[$last_d+1]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $page_num, $url );
$res[$last_d+1]['name'] = $page_num;
$res[$last_d+1]['no'] = $page_num;
$res[$last_d+1]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . ($act_page + 1), $url );
$res[$last_d+1]['name'] = $name_next;
$res[$last_d+1]['no'] = $no_next;
if ($act_page > ($page_num - $maxpageicon))//满足后几页
$res[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page - 1), $url );
$res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
$res[0]['no'] = $no_before;
$res[1]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=1', $url );
$res[1]['name'] = 1;
$res[1]['no'] = 1;
$res[2]['url'] = '';
$res[2]['name'] = '...';
$res[2]['no'] = '';
$d = 3;
for ($i = ($page_num - $maxpageicon + 1); $i <= $page_num; $i++)
if ($i != $act_page)
$res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
else //当前页,页码
$res[$d]['url'] = '';
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
$res[$d]['attr'] = 'current';
$last_d = count($res);
if($act_page == $page_num) //下一页无效
$res[$last_d]['url'] = '';
$res[$last_d]['name'] = $name_next;
$res[$last_d]['no'] = $no_next;
$res[$last_d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page + 1), $url );
$res[$last_d]['name'] = $name_next;
$res[$last_d]['no'] = $no_next;
} }else//满足处在中间
$res[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page - 1), $url );
$res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
$res[0]['no'] = $no_before;
$res[1]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=1', $url );
$res[1]['name'] = 1;
$res[1]['no'] = 1;
$res[2]['url'] = '';
$res[2]['name'] = '...';
$res[2]['no'] = '';
for ($i = ($act_page - ($maxpageicon - 2) / 2); $i <= floor($act_page+($maxpageicon - 2) / 2); $i++)
$i = ceil($i);
if ($i != $act_page)
$res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
else //当前页,页码
$res[$d]['url'] = '';
$res[$d]['name'] = $i;
$res[$d]['no'] = $i;
$res[$d]['attr'] = 'current';
$last_d = count($res);
$res[$last_d]['url'] = '';
$res[$last_d]['name'] = '...';
$res[$last_d]['no'] = '';
$res[$last_d+1]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $page_num, $url );
$res[$last_d+1]['name'] = $page_num;
$res[$last_d+1]['no'] = $page_num;
$res[$last_d+2]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . ($act_page + 1), $url );
$res[$last_d+2]['name'] = $name_next;
$res[$last_d+2]['no'] = $no_next;
return $res;
} ?>
使用方法 :
$page_no = $_GET['page_no'] ? $_GET['page_no'] : 1;
$count = 20;
$start = ($page_no-1)*$count;
$end = $start + $count;
$page = new Page_Link();
$page->length = $count;
$page->isFirstPage = true;
$url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."?&a=".$a;
$page_arr = $page->make_page($total_num,$page_no,$url,"page_no");
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