
This is a preliminary document for an API or technology in development. Apple is supplying this information to help you plan for the adoption of the technologies and programming interfaces described herein for use on Apple-branded products. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according to this document should be tested with final operating system software and final documentation. Newer versions of this document may be provided with future seeds of the API or technology.

这是一个用于开发的API和技术的初期文档。苹果公司正在提供这些信息来帮助你把这项技术和编程接口应用到你的苹果品牌产品中。这些信息是随时变化的,依据这个文档实现的软件需要在最终的操作系统软件和最终文档上测试。新版本的文档将会提供API和这项技术的未来种子(= =没翻译明白)。

Swift is a new programming language for iOS and OS X apps that builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift adopts safe programming patterns and adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun. Swift’s clean slate, backed by the mature and much-loved Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, is an opportunity to reimagine how software development works.

swift是一个建立在C和Objective-C基础上,没有C语言兼容性约束的用于开发IOS和OS X操作系统应用的新语言。"swift"采用安全编程方式,添加了现代特征来使编程变得更简单,更灵活,更有趣。swift清白的历史,在成熟的受欢迎的 Cocoa和Cocoa Touch框架的支持下,这在软件开发工作中是一个多么充满机遇的构想。

Swift has been years in the making. Apple laid the foundation for Swift by advancing our existing compiler, debugger, and framework infrastructure. We simplified memory management with Automatic Reference Counting (ARC). Our framework stack, built on the solid base of Foundation and Cocoa, has been modernized and standardized throughout. Objective-C itself has evolved to support blocks, collection literals, and modules, enabling framework adoption of modern language technologies without disruption. Thanks to this groundwork, we can now introduce a new language for the future of Apple software development.

swift已经酝酿多年。苹果公司提出这个swift语言基础来推进已经存在的编译器,调试器和基础架构。我们使用ARC来使内存管理变得简单。我们建立在 Foundation和Cocoa基础上的框架层,已经现代化和规范化。Objective-C本身已经发展到支持代码块,容器,单元模块,这使不间断的 采用现代语言成为可能。(是这个意思吧?= =)多亏于这个基础,我们现在可以为苹果软件开发的将来引入这样一个新语言。

Swift feels familiar to Objective-C developers. It adopts the readability of Objective-C’s named parameters and the power of Objective-C’s dynamic object model. It provides seamless access to existing Cocoa frameworks and mix-and-match interoperability with Objective-C code. Building from this common ground, Swift introduces many new features and unifies the procedural and object-oriented portions of the language.

Objective- C的开发者会对于swift感到熟悉。swift基于易读的Objective-C的命名参数和Objective-C动态对象模式的动力。它可以无缝的连接到已经存在的Cocoa框架并支持和Objective-C的混编。基于这些共同点,swift引入了许多特性、结合程序和语言的面向对象部分。(这里断句 断不明白了= =)

Swift is friendly to new programmers. It is the first industrial-quality systems programming language that is as expressive and enjoyable as a scripting language. It supports playgrounds, an innovative feature that allows programmers to experiment with Swift code and see the results immediately, without the overhead of building and running an app.

swift对新的编程人员是友好的。这是第一个工业质量(不懂= =)级别的系统编程语言,它像一个脚本语言一样富有表现力和有趣味。它支持的playgrounds,是一个革新性的特性,它允许程序员在编写swift 代码的同时立刻看到那些结果,没有建立和运行一个应用程序的开销。

Swift combines the best in modern language thinking with wisdom from the wider Apple engineering culture. The compiler is optimized for performance, and the language is optimized for development, without compromising on either. It’s designed to scale from “hello, world” to an entire operating system. All this makes Swift a sound future investment for developers and for Apple.

swift 结合最好的现代语言思想来思考苹果编程文化中的智慧。编译器的性能更优,语言的开发更优,这两者的提升不放弃其中一项。它的设计 从"hello,world"一直衡量到整个操作系统。所有这些使得swift成为一个对于开发者和对于苹果来说都是一个健康的未来。(应该就是你选择它 不会错的意思= =)

Swift is a fantastic way to write iOS and OS X apps, and will continue to evolve with new features and capabilities. Our goals for Swift are ambitious. We can’t wait to see what you create with it.

swift是一个作为开发IOS和 OS X应用程序很好的方式,并且它会继续开发新的特性和能力。我们的目标是雄心壮志的swift,我们迫不及待的想看到你创建出一个什么样的它。



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