Bridge and React Native App Execution
Async batched bridge used to communicate with the JavaScript application.
A: 执行JavaScript代码
- (void)enqueueJSCall:(NSString *)moduleDotMethod args:(NSArray *)args;
B: 管理"bridge module"
- (id)moduleForName:(NSString *)moduleName;
- (id)moduleForClass:(Class)moduleClass;
C: 创建 JavaScript 执行器
- (void)initModules
_javaScriptExecutor = [self moduleForClass:self.executorClass];
1. 寻找起点-RCTRootView
在React-Native Based的工程中, 我们看到在AppDelegate.m文件中有以下代码:
RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleURL:jsCodeLocation
launchOptions:launchOptions]; self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
UIViewController *rootViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
rootViewController.view = rootView;
之所以可以使用JS来进行iOS App开发,RCTRootView类是可以进行探索其原因的起点。
2. RCTBridge
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) RCTBridge *bridge;
3. RCTBatchedBridge
TODO: Rewrite this section to match the modification in version 0.18.1
观察类RCTBatchedBridge的initiailizer,发现对接口的'initJS'的调用。在这里终于和JS '发生关系'。
- (instancetype)initWithParentBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
// 省略多行代码
// ......
// ......
* Initialize and register bridge modules *before* adding the display link
* so we don't have threading issues
[self registerModules]; // A /**
* Start the application script
[self initJS]; // B }
return self;
在查看initJS方法的代码之前,我们先来关注比较重要的方法 registerModules。
3.0 Module是什么东西?
Module 在React Native中实际上是 可以被 JavaScript 代码调用的模块, 实现了接口RCTBridgeModule的类。
Module 包含有 Native类型, JavaScript源码类型。
A): Native类型:
B): JavaScript源码类型:
也就是用JavaScript写的React Native App。这个类型的Module由 RCTSourceCode类 来代表。
3.1 registerModules 方法
TODO: Rewrite this section to match the modification in version 0.18.1
- (void)registerModules
RCTAssertMainThread(); // Register passed-in module instances
NSMutableDictionary *preregisteredModules = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for (id<RCTBridgeModule> module in self.moduleProvider ? self.moduleProvider() : nil) { // A
preregisteredModules[RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass([module class])] = module;
} // Instantiate modules
_moduleDataByID = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableDictionary *modulesByName = [preregisteredModules mutableCopy];
for (Class moduleClass in RCTGetModuleClasses()) { // B
NSString *moduleName = RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(moduleClass); // Check if module instance has already been registered for this name
id<RCTBridgeModule> module = modulesByName[moduleName]; if (module) {
// Preregistered instances takes precedence, no questions asked
if (!preregisteredModules[moduleName]) {
// It's OK to have a name collision as long as the second instance is nil
RCTAssert([[moduleClass alloc] init] == nil,
@"Attempted to register RCTBridgeModule class %@ for the name "
"'%@', but name was already registered by class %@", moduleClass,
moduleName, [modulesByName[moduleName] class]);
if ([module class] != moduleClass) {
RCTLogInfo(@"RCTBridgeModule of class %@ with name '%@' was encountered "
"in the project, but name was already registered by class %@."
"That's fine if it's intentional - just letting you know.",
moduleClass, moduleName, [modulesByName[moduleName] class]);
} else {
// Module name hasn't been used before, so go ahead and instantiate
module = [[moduleClass alloc] init];
if (module) {
modulesByName[moduleName] = module;
} // Store modules
_modulesByName = [[RCTModuleMap alloc] initWithDictionary:modulesByName]; /**
* The executor is a bridge module, wait for it to be created and set it before
* any other module has access to the bridge
_javaScriptExecutor = _modulesByName[RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(self.executorClass)]; // C
RCTLatestExecutor = _javaScriptExecutor; [_javaScriptExecutor setUp]; // Set bridge
for (id<RCTBridgeModule> module in _modulesByName.allValues) { // D
if ([module respondsToSelector:@selector(setBridge:)]) {
module.bridge = self;
} RCTModuleData *moduleData = [[RCTModuleData alloc] initWithExecutor:_javaScriptExecutor
[_moduleDataByID addObject:moduleData]; if ([module conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTFrameUpdateObserver)]) {
[_frameUpdateObservers addObject:moduleData];
// E
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTDidCreateNativeModules
A): A部分用来注册外部传递进来的Module。由于RCTBridge创建RCTBatchedBridge对象时,传入的参数导致
属性 self.moduleProvider 的值为nil,故我们先跳过这部分,直接跳到B部分。
B): B部分的循环是将加载的ModuleClass进行注册,注册到成员变量 '_modulesByName'中。
(其中的 RCTGetModuleClasses()和 RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass()
参见 iOS.ReactNative-3-about-viewmanager-uimanager-and-bridgemodule 中的说明)
C): 从'_modulesByName'中获取javaScriptExecutor,JS Executor是关键所在,JS Executor是执行JS代码的。
在 initJS 方法中会用到。
D): 为ModuleObject(模块对象/模块实例, 或者简称: 模块)设置bridge以及ModuleData(模块元数据),最后将实现接口RCTFrameUpdateObserver
的模块对象添加到'_frameUpdateObservers' 中。
E): 发送通知, NativeModules已创建完毕。TODO: 该通知的观察者做了哪些工作?
3.2 initJS 方法
TODO: Rewrite this section to match the modification in version 0.18.1
- (void)initJS
RCTAssertMainThread(); // Inject module data into JS context
NSMutableDictionary *config = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; // A
for (RCTModuleData *moduleData in _moduleDataByID) {
config[] = moduleData.config;
NSString *configJSON = RCTJSONStringify(@{
@"remoteModuleConfig": config,
}, NULL);
[_javaScriptExecutor injectJSONText:configJSON
callback:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
[[RCTRedBox sharedInstance] showError:error];
}]; NSURL *bundleURL = _parentBridge.bundleURL;
if (_javaScriptExecutor == nil) { /**
* HACK (tadeu): If it failed to connect to the debugger, set loading to NO
* so we can attempt to reload again.
_loading = NO; } else if (!bundleURL) { // Allow testing without a script
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
_loading = NO;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification
userInfo:@{ @"bridge": self }];
} else {
RCTJavaScriptLoader *loader = [[RCTJavaScriptLoader alloc] initWithBridge:self]; // B
[loader loadBundleAtURL:bundleURL onComplete:^(NSError *error, NSString *script) {
RCTProfileEndEvent(@"JavaScript download", @"init,download", @[]); _loading = NO;
if (!self.isValid) {
} static BOOL shouldDismiss = NO;
if (shouldDismiss) {
[[RCTRedBox sharedInstance] dismiss];
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
shouldDismiss = YES;
}); RCTSourceCode *sourceCodeModule = self.modules[RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass([RCTSourceCode class])];
sourceCodeModule.scriptURL = bundleURL;
sourceCodeModule.scriptText = script;
if (error) { NSArray *stack = [error userInfo][@"stack"];
if (stack) {
[[RCTRedBox sharedInstance] showErrorMessage:[error localizedDescription]
} else {
[[RCTRedBox sharedInstance] showErrorMessage:[error localizedDescription]
withDetails:[error localizedFailureReason]];
} NSDictionary *userInfo = @{@"bridge": self, @"error": error};
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTJavaScriptDidFailToLoadNotification
userInfo:userInfo]; } else { [self enqueueApplicationScript:script url:bundleURL onComplete:^(NSError *loadError) { // C
if (loadError) {
[[RCTRedBox sharedInstance] showError:loadError];
} /**
* Register the display link to start sending js calls after everything
* is setup
NSRunLoop *targetRunLoop = [_javaScriptExecutor isKindOfClass:[RCTContextExecutor class]] ? [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] : [NSRunLoop mainRunLoop];
[_jsDisplayLink addToRunLoop:targetRunLoop forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes]; // D
// E
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification
userInfo:@{ @"bridge": self }];
A): 将每个ModuleObject 元数据中的config 注册到 JS Executor中。(config 参见 5. RCTModuleData)
B): 拉取JS Bundler, 可以将JS Bundler看作JS代码的'包'。
C): 执行Application JS code。(参见 4. JS Executor)
D): 将'_jsDisplayLink'添加到runloop中。'_jsDisplayLink'周期性的触发的工作是什么?
E): 发送通知 RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification。该通知的观察者进行了哪些处理?
到此,焦点会集中到JS Executor上面,接下来进行JS Executor的代码阅读。
3.3 invalidate 方法
TODO: Rewrite this section to match the modification in version 0.18.1
3.4 React Native App源码的执行
3.4.1 执行步骤
1: RCTBatchedBridge类的init方法中调用start方法来启动React Native App
- (instancetype)initWithParentBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
....... [self start]; // 1
return self;
2: 在start方法的最后,模块初始化完毕,并且(React Native App的)源码加载完毕后执行源码。
A) JavaScript 模块的初始化
B) Native 模块的初始化。方法 initModules 完成了 Native模块的初始化。
- (void)start
// Synchronously initialize all native modules that cannot be loaded lazily
[self initModules];
dispatch_group_notify(initModulesAndLoadSource, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
RCTBatchedBridge *strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (sourceCode && strongSelf.loading) {
dispatch_async(bridgeQueue, ^{
[weakSelf executeSourceCode:sourceCode]; // 2
3: executeSourceCode方法调用方法enqueueApplicationScript来执行(React Native App的)JavaScript源码。
- (void)executeSourceCode:(NSData *)sourceCode
...... RCTSourceCode *sourceCodeModule = [self moduleForClass:[RCTSourceCode class]];
sourceCodeModule.scriptURL = self.bundleURL;
sourceCodeModule.scriptData = sourceCode; [self enqueueApplicationScript:sourceCode url:self.bundleURL onComplete:^(NSError *loadError) { // 3
...... // Register the display link to start sending js calls after everything is setup
NSRunLoop *targetRunLoop = [_javaScriptExecutor isKindOfClass:[RCTJSCExecutor class]] ? [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] : [NSRunLoop mainRunLoop];
[_jsDisplayLink addToRunLoop:targetRunLoop forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes]; // Perform the state update and notification on the main thread, so we can't run into
// timing issues with RCTRootView
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self didFinishLoading];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
object:_parentBridge userInfo:@{@"bridge": self}];
}]; }
4: 方法enqueueApplicationScript 最终依赖RCTJSCExecutor类型的实例 _javaScriptExecutor
来执行(React Native App的)JavaScript源码。
- (void)enqueueApplicationScript:(NSData *)script
url:(NSURL *)url
{ [_javaScriptExecutor executeApplicationScript:script sourceURL:url onComplete:^(NSError *scriptLoadError) { // 4
....... [_javaScriptExecutor flushedQueue:^(id json, NSError *error)
{ [self handleBuffer:json batchEnded:YES]; onComplete(error);
下一节来走读 类 RCTJSCExecutor 和 接口RCTJavaScriptExecutor。
4. JS Executor
TODO: Rewrite this section to match the modification in version 0.18.1
4.0 接口RCTJavaScriptExecutor
接口RCTJavaScriptExecutor定义了JS Executor需要实现的接口。在React中提供了两个JS Executor的实现,
在React/Executors Group中:RCTWebViewExecutor、RCTContextExecutor。
WebSocket中也有一个实现: RCTWebSocketExecutor。
typedef void (^RCTJavaScriptCompleteBlock)(NSError *error);
typedef void (^RCTJavaScriptCallback)(id json, NSError *error); /**
* Abstracts away a JavaScript execution context - we may be running code in a
* web view (for debugging purposes), or may be running code in a `JSContext`.
@protocol RCTJavaScriptExecutor <RCTInvalidating, RCTBridgeModule> /**
* Used to set up the executor after the bridge has been fully initialized.
* Do any expensive setup in this method instead of `-init`.
- (void)setUp; /**
* Executes given method with arguments on JS thread and calls the given callback
* with JSValue and JSContext as a result of the JS module call.
- (void)executeJSCall:(NSString *)name
method:(NSString *)method
arguments:(NSArray *)arguments
callback:(RCTJavaScriptCallback)onComplete; /**
* Runs an application script, and notifies of the script load being complete via `onComplete`.
- (void)executeApplicationScript:(NSString *)script
sourceURL:(NSURL *)sourceURL
// 将由script表示的JavaScript脚本代表的object以objectName注册为全局变量。
- (void)injectJSONText:(NSString *)script
asGlobalObjectNamed:(NSString *)objectName
callback:(RCTJavaScriptCompleteBlock)onComplete; /**
* Enqueue a block to run in the executors JS thread. Fallback to `dispatch_async`
* on the main queue if the executor doesn't own a thread.
- (void)executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:(dispatch_block_t)block; @optional /**
* Special case for Timers + ContextExecutor - instead of the default
* if jsthread then call else dispatch call on jsthread
* ensure the call is made async on the jsthread
- (void)executeAsyncBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:(dispatch_block_t)block; @end
4.1 RCTJSCExecutor类
* Uses a JavaScriptCore context as the execution engine.
@interface RCTJSCExecutor : NSObject <RCTJavaScriptExecutor>
5. RCTModuleData
RCTModuleData实例保存关于RCTBridgeModule实例的数据,这些数据包含: "bridge module"模块的类(1),
"bridge module"模块在Javascript中名字(2), "bridge module"模块导出到JavaScript中的 Method(3),
"bridge module"模块实例(4), the module method dispatch queue(5), "bridge module"模块的配置信息(6)。
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) Class moduleClass; // 1
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *name; // 2
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSArray<id<RCTBridgeMethod>> *methods; // 3
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) id<RCTBridgeModule> instance; // 4
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) dispatch_queue_t methodQueue; // 5
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSArray *config; // 6
RCTModuleData的方法instance 会创建"bridge module"模块实例:
- (id<RCTBridgeModule>)instance
[_instanceLock lock];
if (!_setupComplete) {
if (!_instance) {
_instance = [_moduleClass new];
// Bridge must be set before methodQueue is set up, as methodQueue
// initialization requires it (View Managers get their queue by calling
// self.bridge.uiManager.methodQueue)
[self setBridgeForInstance];
[self setUpMethodQueue];
[_bridge registerModuleForFrameUpdates:_instance withModuleData:self];
_setupComplete = YES;
[_instanceLock unlock];
return _instance;
6. RCTJavaScriptLoader
+ (void)loadBundleAtURL:(NSURL *)scriptURL onComplete:(RCTSourceLoadBlock)onComplete
该接口实现使用了 NSURLSessionDataTask, React Native需要 iOS 7.0+ 的系统。
7. RCTSourceCode
RCTSourceCode抽象JavaScript源码数据, 包含属性:
scriptData 和 scriptURL
@interface RCTSourceCode : NSObject <RCTBridgeModule> // E @property (nonatomic, copy) NSData *scriptData;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSURL *scriptURL; @end
E: 关于 RCTBridgeModule接口 参见 iOS.ReactNative-3-about-viewmanager-uimanager-and-bridgemodule
1. React-Native: RCTBridge.m/h
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