Web-background information
Client and Server
A connection on the Internet takes place between 2 computers only:
- one that has the information(the server)
- one that wants it(the cient)
A client is a program that can take up many forms:a Web browser(like Firebox),an email client(like Outlook),amessengar app(like Whatsapp),a video streaming service(like Netflix)
Aserver can be considered a dedicated computer always connected to the Internet,whose sole purpose is to deliver content.
Clients will retrieve information from a server,where something is stored(a website,your emails,messages,movies).Although client programs also send information to server,they usually don't store it,while servers do.
Although any device connected to the Internet can be both a client and a server at the same time, most devices we use are considered clients, because we only retrieve data, and don’t deliver any.
IP Address
Like every house has a specific and unique postal address, each computer connected to the Internet is given an IP address, in order to be identified on the network.
An IP address usually looks like a combination of 4 numbers:
Although IP addresses are useful for computers to tell each other apart thanks to their uniqueness, they are hard to read and remember for us humans.
That is why domains were created in 1985. They associate an IP address like with a string of text like wikipedia.org. As a result, both are interchangeable: you can go to or https://wikipedia.org and end up on the exact same website.
A domain has 3 parts, that are read from right to left:
- Top-Level Domain (or TLD): there are generic ones (.com, .org, .net) and country-specific ones (.us, .nl, .fr).
- Domain name: a name like wikipedia or marksheet, that can include letters, numbers, but no space or dot.
- Subdomain (optional). Although this 3rd part is optional, most websites use www as the default subdomain.
Think of domains as a way to name computers connected to the Internet.
How do I buy a domain? You don’t actually buy a domain, but actually rent it from whoever is managing the TLD you’re aiming for. Companies who manage Internet domains are called domain registrars. The most famous ones are Namecheap and Gandi.
The purpose of interconnecting all these computers is for them to interact with each other. And like humans talk in different languages, computers on the Internet talk using protocols.
Each of them serves a different purpose:
Protocol | Used for | Created in |
FTP | File transfer | 1971 |
SMTP | Sending Emails | 1971 |
IMAP | Receining Emails | 1986 |
IRC | Chat | 1988 |
HTTP | Browsing HTML documents(Webpages) | 1989 |
If you want to know more here's a list of protocols.
Now that we’ve seen how domains and protocols, we can build a URL: a Uniform Resource Locator.
For example, the current page’s URL is https://marksheet.io/internet.html, and can be divided in 3 parts:
- https:// is the protocol
- marksheet.io is the domain
- /internet.html is the path
This URL is unique and defines
- where to find something across the internet :marksheet.io/internet.html
- how the computer is supposed to read it : https://
URLs can be more complex-looking. You can read about the anatomy of an URL.
- Internet
A very large network of computers connected to each other. - Protocol
A set of rules, like a language, in which computers communicate with each other. - IP address
A combination of numbers like which acts like a unique identifier for a computer connected to the Internet - Domain
A text like marksheet.io which acts like a unique identifier for a computer connected to the Internet. The difference with IP addresses is that domains are easier to read for humans.
A client is a program that can take up many forms客户端是一个程序,可以有多种形式。
domain:N-COUNT On the Internet, a domain is a set of addresses that shows, for example, the category or geographical area that an Internet address belongs to. (因特网上的)域
The price rises will not be uniform across the country.全国各地的价格涨幅将不会划一。
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