38. Count and Say

The count-and-say sequence is the sequence of integers beginning as follows:

1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, ...

1 is read off as "one 1" or 11.

11 is read off as "two 1s" or 21.

21 is read off as "one 2, then one 1" or 1211.

Given an integer n, generate the nth sequence.

Note: The sequence of integers will be represented as a string.

My Thought





PROCEDURE countAndSay(n)
if n = 1
return "1"
// 获取前一个字符串
preString = countAndSay(n-1)
// 按规则读字符串,作为返回串、
return read(preString)

Code(C++ 0ms)

class Solution {
string countAndSay(int n) {
return "1";
string pre = countAndSay(n-1);
// read rule
string ret="",temp="";
int num = 1;
char ch=pre[0];
for(int i=1;i<pre.size();++i){
return ret; }

最后0ms ACC 镇啊,激动(虽然很ez23333


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