lookup路径: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/lookup

  1. 所有的lookup插件列表
  2. dnstxt.py
  3. hashi_vault.py
  4. lastpass.py
  5. random_choice.py
  6. chef_databag.py
  7. env.py
  8. hiera.py
  9. lines.py
  10. redis_kv.py
  11. consul_kv.py
  12. etcd.py
  13. indexed_items.py
  14. list.py
  15. sequence.py
  16. credstash.py
  17. fileglob.py
  18. ini.py
  19. mongodb.py
  20. shelvefile.py
  21. csvfile.py
  22. file.py
  23. nested.py
  24. subelements.py
  25. cyberarkpassword.py
  26. filetree.py
  27. inventory_hostnames.py
  28. password.py
  29. template.py
  30. dict.py
  31. first_found.py
  32. items.py
  33. passwordstore.py
  34. together.py
  35. dig.py
  36. flattened.py
  37. keyring.py
  38. pipe.py
  39. url.py
  1. list.py
  4. lookup: list
  5. author: Ansible core team
  6. version_added: "2.0"
  7. short_description: simply returns what it is given.
  8. description:
  9. - this is mostly a noop, to be used as a with_list loop when you dont want the content transformed in any way.
  10. """
  11. EXAMPLES = """
  12. ---
  13. - hosts: localhost
  14. tasks:
  15. - name: unlike with_items you will get 3 items from this loop, the 2nd one being a list
  16. debug: var=item
  17. with_list:
  18. - 1
  19. - [2,3]
  20. - 4
  21. ...
  22. 输出如下:
  23. [root@node-1 test_plays]# ansible-playbook test.yml
  25. PLAY [localhost] *******************************************************************************
  27. TASK [unlike with_items you will get 3 items from this loop, the 2nd one being a list] *********
  28. ok: [localhost] => (item=1) => {
  29. "changed": false,
  30. "item": 1
  31. }
  32. ok: [localhost] => (item=[2, 3]) => {
  33. "changed": false,
  34. "item": [
  35. 2,
  36. 3
  37. ]
  38. }
  39. ok: [localhost] => (item=4) => {
  40. "changed": false,
  41. "item": 4
  42. }
  44. PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************
  45. localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
  1. random_choice.py
  4. lookup: random_choice
  5. author: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
  6. version_added: "1.1"
  7. short_description: return random element from list
  8. description:
  9. - The 'random_choice' feature can be used to pick something at random. While it's not a load balancer (there are modules for those),
  10. it can somewhat be used as a poor man's load balancer in a MacGyver like situation.
  11. - At a more basic level, they can be used to add chaos and excitement to otherwise predictable automation environments.
  12. """
  13. EXAMPLES = """
  14. - name: Magic 8 ball for MUDs
  15. debug:
  16. msg: "{{ item }}"
  17. with_random_choice:
  18. - "go through the door"
  19. - "drink from the goblet"
  20. - "press the red button"
  21. - "do nothing"
  22. """
  23. 脚本输出
  24. [root@node-1 test_plays]# ansible-playbook test.yml
  26. PLAY [localhost] *******************************************************************************
  28. TASK [Magic 8 ball for MUDs] *******************************************************************
  29. ok: [localhost] => (item=go through the door) => {
  30. "changed": false,
  31. "item": "go through the door",
  32. "msg": "go through the door"
  33. }
  35. PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************
  36. localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
  1. env.py
  4. lookup: env
  5. author: Jan-Piet Mens (@jpmens) <jpmens(at)gmail.com>
  6. version_added: "0.9"
  7. short_description: read the value of environment variables
  8. requirements:
  9. - dns/dns.resolver (python library)
  10. description:
  11. - Allows you to query the environment variables available on the controller when you invoked Ansible.
  12. options:
  13. _terms:
  14. description: Environment variable or list of them to lookup the values for
  15. required: True
  16. """
  18. EXAMPLES = """
  19. - debug: msg="{{ lookup('env','HOME') }} is an environment variable"
  20. """
  21. [root@node-1 test_plays]# ansible-playbook test.yml
  23. PLAY [localhost] *******************************************************************************
  25. TASK [debug] ***********************************************************************************
  26. ok: [localhost] => {
  27. "msg": "/root is an environment variable"
  28. }
  30. PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************
  31. localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
  1. hiera.py
  4. author:
  5. - Juan Manuel Parrilla (@jparrill)
  6. lookup: hiera
  7. version_added: "2.4"
  8. short_description: get info from hiera data
  9. requirements:
  10. - hiera (command line utility)
  11. description:
  12. - Retrieves data from an Puppetmaster node using Hiera as ENC
  13. options:
  14. _hiera_key:
  15. description:
  16. - The list of keys to lookup on the Puppetmaster
  17. type: list
  18. element_type: string
  19. required: True
  20. _bin_file:
  21. description:
  22. - Binary file to execute Hiera
  23. default: '/usr/bin/hiera'
  24. env:
  25. - name: ANSIBLE_HIERA_BIN
  26. _hierarchy_file:
  27. description:
  28. - File that describes the hierarchy of Hiera
  29. default: '/etc/hiera.yaml'
  30. env:
  31. - name: ANSIBLE_HIERA_CFG
  32. FIXME:
  33. description: incomplete options .. _terms? environment/fqdn? ANSIBLE_HIERA_CFG, ANSIBLE_HIERA_BIN
  34. '''
  36. EXAMPLES = """
  37. # All this examples depends on hiera.yml that describes the hierarchy
  39. - name: "a value from Hiera 'DB'"
  40. debug: msg={{ lookup('hiera', 'foo') }}
  41. - name: "a value from a Hiera 'DB' on other environment"
  42. debug: msg={{ lookup('hiera', 'foo environment=production') }}
  44. - name: "a value from a Hiera 'DB' for a concrete node"
  45. debug: msg={{ lookup('hiera', 'foo fqdn=puppet01.localdomain') }}
  46. """
  47. 脚本输出
  48. [root@node-1 test_plays]# ansible-playbook test.yml
  50. PLAY [localhost] *******************************************************************************
  52. TASK [a value from Hiera 'DB'] *****************************************************************
  53. ok: [localhost] => {
  54. "msg": "nil"
  55. }
  57. TASK [a value from a Hiera 'DB' on other environment] ******************************************
  58. ok: [localhost] => {
  59. "msg": "nil"
  60. }
  62. TASK [a value from a Hiera 'DB' for a concrete node] *******************************************
  63. ok: [localhost] => {
  64. "msg": "nil"
  65. }
  67. PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************
  68. localhost : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
  1. lines.py
  3. lookup: file
  4. author: Daniel Hokka Zakrisson <daniel@hozac.com>
  5. version_added: "0.9"
  6. short_description: read lines from command
  7. description:
  8. - Run a commandi or more and split the output into lines returning them as a list
  9. options:
  10. _terms:
  11. description: command(s) to run
  12. required: True
  13. notes:
  14. - Like all lookups this runs on the Ansible controller and is unaffected by other keywords, such as become,
  15. so if you need to different permissions you must change the command or run Ansible as another user.
  16. - Alternatively you can use a shell/command task that runs against localhost and registers the result.
  17. """
  18. EXAMPLES = """
  19. - name: we could use file direclty, but this shows output from command
  20. debug: msg="{{ item }} is a line running cat on /etc/motd"
  21. with_lines: cat /etc/motd
  23. - name: More useful example of looping over a command result
  24. shell: "/usr/bin/frobnicate {{ item }}"
  25. with_lines:
  26. - "/usr/bin/frobnications_per_host --param {{ inventory_hostname }}"
  27. """
  1. indexed_items.py
  4. lookup: indexed_items
  5. author: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
  6. version_added: "1.3"
  7. short_description: rewrites lists to return 'indexed items'
  8. description:
  9. - use this lookup if you want to loop over an array and also get the numeric index of where you are in the array as you go
  10. - any list given will be transformed with each resulting element having the it's previous position in item.0 and its value in item.1
  11. options:
  12. _terms:
  13. description: list of items
  14. required: True
  15. """
  17. EXAMPLES = """
  18. - name: indexed loop demo
  19. debug:
  20. msg: "at array position {{ item.0 }} there is a value {{ item.1 }}"
  21. with_indexed_items:
  22. - "{{ some_list }}"
  23. """
  1. sequence.py
  4. lookup: sequence
  5. author: Jayson Vantuyl <jayson@aggressive.ly>
  6. version_added: "1.0"
  7. short_description: generate a list based on a number sequence
  8. description:
  9. - generates a sequence of items. You can specify a start value, an end value, an optional "stride" value that specifies the number of steps
  10. to increment the sequence, and an optional printf-style format string.
  11. - 'Arguments can be specified as key=value pair strings or as a shortcut form of the arguments string is also accepted: [start-]end[/stride][:format].'
  12. - 'Numerical values can be specified in decimal, hexadecimal (0x3f8) or octal (0600).'
  13. - Starting at version 1.9.2, negative strides are allowed.
  14. options:
  15. start:
  16. description: number at which to start the sequence
  17. default: 0
  18. type: number
  19. end:
  20. description: number at which to end the sequence, dont use this with count
  21. type: number
  22. default: 0
  23. count:
  24. description: number of elements in the sequence, this is not to be used with end
  25. type: number
  26. default: 0
  27. stride:
  28. description: increments between sequence numbers, the default is 1 unless the end is less than the start, then it is -1.
  29. type: number
  30. format:
  31. description: return a string with the generated number formated in
  32. """
  34. EXAMPLES = """
  35. - name: create some test users
  36. user:
  37. name: "{{ item }}"
  38. state: present
  39. groups: "evens"
  40. with_sequence: start=0 end=32 format=testuser%02x
  41. - name: create a series of directories with even numbers for some reason
  42. file:
  43. dest: "/var/stuff/{{ item }}"
  44. state: directory
  45. with_sequence: start=4 end=16 stride=2
  47. - name: a simpler way to use the sequence plugin create 4 groups
  48. group:
  49. name: "group{{ item }}"
  50. state: present
  51. with_sequence: count=4
  53. - name: the final countdown
  54. debug: msg={{item}} seconds to detonation
  55. with_sequence: end=0 start=10
  56. """


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