Leetcode 树(102, 637)
- class Solution(object):
- def averageOfLevels(self, root):
- """
- :type root: TreeNode
- :rtype: List[float]
- 实现方法:
- 设置两个数组,一个用于记录每层树的总和,一颗树记录每层树的节点个数;
- """
- sum=[0.0 for i in range(1000)]
- count=[0.0 for i in range(10000)]
- num=0
- def all(root,num):
- if root:
- sum[num]=sum[num]+root.val
- count[num]=1+count[num]
- all(root.left,num+1)
- all(root.right,num+1)
- all(root,num)
- res=[]
- for i in range(len(sum)):
- if count[i]!=0:
- res.append(sum[i]/count[i])
- return res
- def levelOrder(self, root):
- """
- :type root: TreeNode
- :rtype: List[List[int]]
- """
- result=[]
- def all(root,level):
- if root:
- if len(result)<level+1:
- result.append([])
- result[level].append(root.val)
- all(root.left,level+1)
- all(root.right,level+1)
- all(root,0)
- return result
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