hdu6415 记忆化搜索或找规律
- Rikka with Nash Equilibrium
- Time Limit: / MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: / K (Java/Others)
- Total Submission(s): Accepted Submission(s):
- Problem Description
- Nash Equilibrium is an important concept in game theory.
- Rikka and Yuta are playing a simple matrix game. At the beginning of the game, Rikka shows an n×m integer matrix A. And then Yuta needs to choose an integer in [,n], Rikka needs to choose an integer in [,m]. Let i be Yuta's number and j be Rikka's number, the final score of the game is Ai,j.
- In the remaining part of this statement, we use (i,j) to denote the strategy of Yuta and Rikka.
- For example, when n=m= and matrix A is
- ⎡⎣⎢⎢⎤⎦⎥⎥
- If the strategy is (,), the score will be ; if the strategy is (,), the score will be .
- A pure strategy Nash equilibrium of this game is a strategy (x,y) which satisfies neither Rikka nor Yuta can make the score higher by changing his(her) strategy unilaterally. Formally, (x,y) is a Nash equilibrium if and only if:
- {Ax,y≥Ai,y ∀i∈[,n]Ax,y≥Ax,j ∀j∈[,m]
- In the previous example, there are two pure strategy Nash equilibriums: (,) and (,).
- To make the game more interesting, Rikka wants to construct a matrix A for this game which satisfies the following conditions:
- . Each integer in [,nm] occurs exactly once in A.
- . The game has at most one pure strategy Nash equilibriums.
- Now, Rikka wants you to count the number of matrixes with size n×m which satisfy the conditions.
- Input
- The first line contains a single integer t(≤t≤), the number of the testcases.
- The first line of each testcase contains three numbers n,m and K(≤n,m≤,≤K≤).
- The input guarantees that there are at most testcases with max(n,m)>.
- Output
- For each testcase, output a single line with a single number: the answer modulo K.
- Sample Input
- Sample Output
- Source
- Multi-University Training Contest
- Recommend
- chendu
- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<string.h>
- using namespace std;
- #define ll long long
- ll dp[][][*];
- ll n,m,mod;
- ll dfs(ll x,ll y,ll z)
- {
- if(dp[x][y][z]!=-)
- return dp[x][y][z];
- ll temp=;
- if(x<n)
- temp=(temp+(y*(n-x)%mod)*dfs(x+,y,z+))%mod;
- if(y<m)
- temp=(temp+(x*(m-y)%mod)*dfs(x,y+,z+))%mod;
- if(x*y>z)
- temp=(temp+(x*y-z)%mod*dfs(x,y,z+))%mod;
- return dp[x][y][z]=temp;
- }
- int main()
- {
- int T;
- scanf("%d",&T);
- while(T--)
- {
- scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&n,&m,&mod);
- memset(dp,-,sizeof dp);
- dp[n][m][n*m]=;
- ll ans=((n*m)%mod*dfs(,,)%mod);
- printf("%lld\n",ans);
- }
- return ;
- }
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