1. Rikka with Nash Equilibrium
  3. Time Limit: / MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: / K (Java/Others)
  4. Total Submission(s): Accepted Submission(s):
  6. Problem Description
  7. Nash Equilibrium is an important concept in game theory.
  9. Rikka and Yuta are playing a simple matrix game. At the beginning of the game, Rikka shows an n×m integer matrix A. And then Yuta needs to choose an integer in [,n], Rikka needs to choose an integer in [,m]. Let i be Yuta's number and j be Rikka's number, the final score of the game is Ai,j.
  11. In the remaining part of this statement, we use (i,j) to denote the strategy of Yuta and Rikka.
  13. For example, when n=m= and matrix A is
  14. ⎡⎣⎢⎢⎤⎦⎥⎥
  16. If the strategy is (,), the score will be ; if the strategy is (,), the score will be .
  18. A pure strategy Nash equilibrium of this game is a strategy (x,y) which satisfies neither Rikka nor Yuta can make the score higher by changing his(her) strategy unilaterally. Formally, (x,y) is a Nash equilibrium if and only if:
  19. {Ax,yAi,y i∈[,n]Ax,yAx,j j∈[,m]
  21. In the previous example, there are two pure strategy Nash equilibriums: (,) and (,).
  23. To make the game more interesting, Rikka wants to construct a matrix A for this game which satisfies the following conditions:
  24. . Each integer in [,nm] occurs exactly once in A.
  25. . The game has at most one pure strategy Nash equilibriums.
  27. Now, Rikka wants you to count the number of matrixes with size n×m which satisfy the conditions.
  29. Input
  30. The first line contains a single integer t(≤t≤), the number of the testcases.
  32. The first line of each testcase contains three numbers n,m and K(≤n,m≤,≤K≤).
  34. The input guarantees that there are at most testcases with max(n,m)>.
  36. Output
  37. For each testcase, output a single line with a single number: the answer modulo K.
  39. Sample Input
  41. Sample Output
  43. Source
  44. Multi-University Training Contest
  46. Recommend
  47. chendu

  48. 从大到小填。每次填进去的数都是要在被管住的里面。
  1. #include<iostream>
  2. #include<cstdio>
  3. #include<string.h>
  4. using namespace std;
  5. #define ll long long
  6. ll dp[][][*];
  7. ll n,m,mod;
  8. ll dfs(ll x,ll y,ll z)
  9. {
  10. if(dp[x][y][z]!=-)
  11. return dp[x][y][z];
  12. ll temp=;
  13. if(x<n)
  14. temp=(temp+(y*(n-x)%mod)*dfs(x+,y,z+))%mod;
  15. if(y<m)
  16. temp=(temp+(x*(m-y)%mod)*dfs(x,y+,z+))%mod;
  17. if(x*y>z)
  18. temp=(temp+(x*y-z)%mod*dfs(x,y,z+))%mod;
  19. return dp[x][y][z]=temp;
  20. }
  21. int main()
  22. {
  23. int T;
  24. scanf("%d",&T);
  25. while(T--)
  26. {
  28. scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&n,&m,&mod);
  29. memset(dp,-,sizeof dp);
  30. dp[n][m][n*m]=;
  31. ll ans=((n*m)%mod*dfs(,,)%mod);
  32. printf("%lld\n",ans);
  34. }
  36. return ;
  37. }



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