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       &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a>ABOUT &nbsp;US</a>
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        &nbsp;&nbsp;ABOUT &nbsp;US
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    <h3 style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;">Who we are</h3>
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      Founded by Helge Andersson in 1973, Foodimpex started its activities based on the contacts he established during his job as purchasing manager within the Food industry, in which he was active his whole life.
    <p style="margin-right: 50px;font-family:Comic Sans MS;">
      Thus, from the beginning, the business focus was in East-European countries. Gradually, the market increased and business was developed all over Europe. In 1980, a subsidiary was formed in Madrid, Spain. Today, Spain is a substantial market. Our business has grown in many markets, most recently including Central and South America.
    <p style="margin-right: 50px;font-family:Comic Sans MS;">
     Our companys main product line is deep-frozen fruits, berries and vegetables. Our main focus is private label packing along with direct supplies to the food industry.
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      LATEST NEWS >>   
      We were nomination in the Sial Innovation Award 2018 and proud to show you one of our latest news, passion fruit cubes.
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     <h6 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">INTERNATIONAL   AB</h6>
     Järnvägsgatan 11, SE 254 24 Helsingborg, Sweden


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