cocos2dx-lua 圆角矩形 圆角图片 drawNode
void drawPolygon(Vec2 *verts, int count, const Color4F &fillColor, float borderWidth, const Color4F &borderColor);
function drawNodeRoundRect(drawNode, rect, borderWidth, radius, color, fillColor)
-- segments表示圆角的精细度,值越大越精细
local segments =
--local segments = 4
local origin = cc.p(rect.x, rect.y)
local destination = cc.p(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y - rect.height)
local points = { } -- 算出1/4圆
local coef = math.pi / / segments
local vertices = { } for i = , segments do
local rads =(segments - i) * coef
local x = radius * math.sin(rads)
local y = radius * math.cos(rads) table.insert(vertices, cc.p(x, y))
end local tagCenter = cc.p(, )
local minX = math.min(origin.x, destination.x)
local maxX = math.max(origin.x, destination.x)
local minY = math.min(origin.y, destination.y)
local maxY = math.max(origin.y, destination.y)
local dwPolygonPtMax =(segments + ) *
local pPolygonPtArr = { } -- 左上角
tagCenter.x = minX + radius;
tagCenter.y = maxY - radius; for i = , segments do
local x = tagCenter.x - vertices[i + ].x
local y = tagCenter.y + vertices[i + ].y table.insert(pPolygonPtArr, cc.p(x, y))
end -- 右上角
tagCenter.x = maxX - radius;
tagCenter.y = maxY - radius; for i = , segments do
local x = tagCenter.x + vertices[#vertices - i].x
local y = tagCenter.y + vertices[#vertices - i].y table.insert(pPolygonPtArr, cc.p(x, y))
end -- 右下角
tagCenter.x = maxX - radius;
tagCenter.y = minY + radius; for i = , segments do
local x = tagCenter.x + vertices[i + ].x
local y = tagCenter.y - vertices[i + ].y table.insert(pPolygonPtArr, cc.p(x, y))
end -- 左下角
tagCenter.x = minX + radius;
tagCenter.y = minY + radius; for i = , segments do
local x = tagCenter.x - vertices[#vertices - i].x
local y = tagCenter.y - vertices[#vertices - i].y table.insert(pPolygonPtArr, cc.p(x, y))
end if fillColor == nil then
fillColor = cc.c4f(, , , )
end drawNode:drawPolygon(pPolygonPtArr, #pPolygonPtArr, fillColor, borderWidth, color)
end --创建DrawNode
local imagePath = "res/test.png"
head = cc.DrawNode:createWithFilename(imagePath)
head:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5))
head:setPosition(cc.p(+-, ++))
scene:addChild(head,) --配置参数
local TestRect = {}
TestRect.x =
TestRect.width =
TestRect.height = local TestBorderWidth =
local TestColor = cc.c4f(,,,)
local Testradius = head:clear()
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