
Another problem is that the members of the Biramichi fishing
cooperative are overfishing.

However, there are plenty of ways to make your will more

interesting if you want to.

In recent years, there has been an unusually large number of

divorces in the United States.

In the past, when two people married each other, they

intended to stay together for life.

In the past, a large majority of the Americans frowned at

the idea of divorce.

Hollywood has always been known as the divorce capital of

the world.

Until marriage again become the serious and important part of

people's lives, we will probably continue to see a high rate

of divorce.

I'm both excited and nervous about the job interview this


Scientists who study Mars have laid down the program that

they can follow.

The shark might go for the injured fish you had attacked and

take a big bite of you at the same time.

A lecture's generally given to a much larger group.

It's rather hard to find anything for less than 300 dollars

around here.

She felt that she should contribute to the household


Remember, honesty is the best policy.

The temperature would have to be raised from 6 degrees below

zero to 15 degrees above it.

I found it's much better to praise him when he obeys and not

to be so fussy when he makes mistakes.

The average negotiators set their objectives as single

points. We hope to get two dollars, for example.


Around the world, there are only about one hundred shark

attacks on humans each year, ten of which proved fatal.

Your dog certainly seems to know you are his master.

Take it easy. Just wear tidy and clean clothes and respond truthfully to inquiries.

She helped the minds of her students scale the mountain walls and reach out to the world beyond.

In 1945, she gained worldwide recognition by winning the Nobel Prize in literature, the first Southern American to win the prize.

Jean also felt bored and frustrated in her role as a homemaker and wanted to be more involved in life outside her home.

Is the rescue crew still looking for survivors of the plane crash?

The average negotiators tried to persuade by giving lots of reasons. They use a lot of different arguments.

In the past five days, the fires have destroyed at least 500 buildings and forced 190,000 people to leave their homes, California officials said.

For instance, a nine-foot shark only needs two pounds of food a day to keep healthy.

Can you tell me what in the book interested you most?

It would take a bit longer, though, to transform the atmosphere so that human beings could live there.

We should take extra time and spend extra money to build disaster safety into our lives.

Apart from that, there are other problems to be overcome.

I must point out that trials of new medicine are expensive and you can never guarantee success.


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