C++ class without pointer members
- 写在前面
- Object Oriented
class 的分类:带指针的class和不带指针的class,
class 的声明
× √
- 构造函数:
想要创建一个对象,会自动调用的函数就是构造函数,如上,构造函数与类同名,没有返回类型,不需要有,因为构造函数就是要来创建对象的,此处对象就是complex,上面定义的构造函数使用了列表初始化,并且这种初始化只有构造函数才有,其它函数是没有的,并且给出了default argument
- complex() :re(), im() {}//不可以,ambiguous
如下面的对象c2,都没有给参数,编译器发现 可以调用上面的,但是编译器也发现class中的构造函数虽然有参数,但是有默认值,也可以调用,因此编译器就不知调用哪个了
- class A {
- public:
- static A& getInstance();
- private:
- A();
- A(const A& rhs);
- };
- A& A::getInstance()
- {
- static A a;
- return a;
- }
- 参数传递与返回值
- double real()const { return re; }
- double imag()const { return im; }
A. B.
- 参数传递:
pass by value vs pass by reference(to const)
pass by value 就是整包都传过去,数据多大就传多大,传的数据是压到static栈中的,本例中,传的是double,是4个字节,传的就是4个字节,若传的数据很大呢,效率就低,所以尽量不要pass by value, 可以pass by reference ,reference在底部就是指针,
- ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const complex& x)
- {
- return os << '(' << real(x) << ',' << imag(x) << ')';
- }
- int main()
- {
- complex c1(, );
- complex c2;
- c2 += c1;
- cout << c2;
- }
第7,8行会调用构造函数,通过pass by lalue的方式,第9行会调用1-4行的函数,pass by reference的方式。返回值的传递也尽量pass by reference
- friend complex& __doapl(complex*, const complex&);//return value :pass by reference
- int func(const complex& param)
- {
- return param.re + param.im;
- }
- //用法
- complex c3;
- c3.func(c1);
可以这样理解:相同class的各个objects 互为friends
class body外的各种定义什么情况下可以pass by value,什么情况下可以pass by reference
首先看看什么情况不能return by reference
- inline complex&
- __doapl(complex* ths, const complex& r)
- {
- ths->re += r.re;//第一参数将会被改动
- ths->im += r.im;//第二参数不会被改动
- return *ths;
- }
- inline complex&
- complex::operator+=(const complex& r)
- {
- return __doapl(this, r);
- }
- return c1 + c2;
- 操作符重载(-1,成员函数) this
继续看上面代码,编译器看到c2+=c1,就会把操作符作用到左边c2身上,上面的inline complex& complex::operator+=(const complex& r){}相当于
inline complex& complex::operator(this,const complex& r){}
Note:this不可以写在参数列表中,用可以像函数体中那样用,return __doapl(this,r);
- return by reference 语法分析
class body之外的函数定义
operator overloading(操作符重载-2,非成员函数)无this
考虑到用户的行为,定义了三种+ 形式
- inline complex
- operator +(const complex& x, const complex& y)
- {
- return complex(real(x) + real(y), imag(x) + imag(y));
- }
- inline complex
- operator +(const complex& x, double y)
- {
- return complex(real(x) + y, imag(y));
- }
- inline complex
- operator +(double x, const complex& y)
- {
- return complex(x + real(y), imag(y));
- }
如上,对于上面的操作符重载,没有this pointer,因为是全域函数,不再是成员函数
- temp object (临时对象)tempname()
再看上面的代码,return by value,对于上面的代码,绝不可以return by reference,因为他们返回的一定是local object,因为加的结果是函数临时创建的,函数结束,临时变量死亡,
- operator +(const complex& x)
- {
- return x;
- }
- inline complex
- operator -(const complex& x)
- {
- return complex(-real(x), -imag(x));
- }
- //使用
- {
- complex c1(, );
- complex c2;
- cout << -c1;
- cout << +c1;
- }
这里是return by value,这里可是return by reference,因为,这里结果没有改变,也没有创建新的临时对象,所以是可以return by reference的。
- inline bool
- operator ==(const complex& x, const complex& y)
- {
- return real(x) == real(y) && imag(x) == iamg(y);
- }
- inline bool
- operator ==(const complex& x, double y)
- {
- return real(x) == y && iamg(x) == ;
- }
- inline bool
- operator ==(double x, complex& y)
- {
- return x == real(y) && iamg(y) == ;
- }
- inline bool
- operator !=(const complex& x, complex& y)
- {
- return real(x) != real(y) || imag(x) != imag(y);
- }
- inline bool
- operator !=(const complex& x, double y)
- {
- return real(x) != y || iamg(x) != ;
- }
- inline bool
- operator !=(double x, complex& y)
- {
- return x != real(y) || iamg(y) != ;
- }
- inline complex
- conj(const complex& x)
- {
- return complex(real(x), -imag(y));
- }
- ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const complex& x)
- {
- return os << '(' << real(x) << ',' << imag(x) << ')';
- }
- //使用
- {
- cout << conj(c1);
- cout << c1 << conj(c1);
- }
"<<"作用在左边,这里绝不能写成成员函数,必须写成全域函数。os也不可是const的,因为每往cout中放入“东西”的时候都是在改变os中的内容,若将返回类型 ostream& ,改为 void 可以吗?
- #pragma once
- #ifndef __COMPLEX__
- #define __COMPLEX__
- class complex {
- public:
- complex(double r = , double i = ) :re(r), im(i) {}//construct function
- //complex() :re(0), im(0) {}//不可以,ambiguous
- complex& operator +=(const complex&);//two choices,member func or non-member func,
- //here is member func,do not need to change the value,so is const
- double real()const { return re; }
- double imag()const { return im; }
- int func(const complex& param)
- {
- return param.re + param.im;
- }
- private:
- double re, im;
- friend complex& __doapl(complex*, const complex&);//return value :pass by reference
- };
- inline complex&
- __doapl(complex* ths, const complex& r)
- {
- ths->re += r.re;//第一参数将会被改动
- ths->im += r.im;//第二参数不会被改动
- return *ths;
- }
- inline complex&
- complex::operator+=(const complex& r)//the right is not change,so is const,the left
- {//has already existed,so return by reference
- return __doapl(this, r);
- }
- inline double
- real(const complex& x)
- {
- return x.real();
- }
- inline double
- imag(const complex& x)
- {
- return x.imag();
- }
- //"+"has more than one cases,so set it as the non-member func
- inline complex
- operator +(const complex& x, const complex& y)
- {//the sum result will be put in a local variable,so return by value
- return complex(real(x) + real(y), imag(x) + imag(y));
- }
- inline complex
- operator +(const complex& x, double y)
- {
- return complex(real(x) + y, imag(y));
- }
- inline complex
- operator +(double x, const complex& y)
- {
- return complex(x + real(y), imag(y));
- }
- inline complex
- operator +(const complex& x)
- {
- return x;
- }
- inline complex
- operator -(const complex& x)
- {
- return complex(-real(x), -imag(x));
- }
- inline bool
- operator ==(const complex& x, const complex& y)
- {
- return real(x) == real(y) && imag(x) == imag(y);
- }
- inline bool
- operator ==(const complex& x, double y)
- {
- return real(x) == y && imag(x) == ;
- }
- inline bool
- operator ==(double x, complex& y)
- {
- return x == real(y) && iamg(y) == ;
- }
- inline bool
- operator !=(const complex& x, complex& y)
- {
- return real(x) != real(y) || imag(x) != imag(y);
- }
- inline bool
- operator !=(const complex& x, double y)
- {
- return real(x) != y || imag(x) != ;
- }
- inline bool
- operator !=(double x, complex& y)
- {
- return x != real(y) || imag(y) != ;
- }
- inline complex
- conj(const complex& x)
- {
- return complex(real(x), -imag(x));
- }
- #endif
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