Thinking in Java,Fourth Edition(Java 编程思想,第四版)学习笔记(一)之Introduction
Learn Java
I found out that I and other speakers tended to give the typical audience too many topics too quickly.
I wanted to try to keep everyone up to speed.
Thinking in Java seminars “Thinking in Java"研讨课?
The book is designed to serve the solitary reader who is struggling with a new programming language
I came to know-through the process of presenting the material-that if you include a lot of new features,you need to explain them all, and this easily compounds the students's confusion.
Each chapter tries to teach a single feature, or a smaill group of associated features, without relying on concepts that haven't been introduced yet.
My goal in the book are to:
1. Present the material one simple step at a time.Carefully sequence the presentation of features.
2. Use example that are as simple and short as posible.
I have found that beginners are usually happier when they can understand every detail of an example rather than being impressed by the scope of the problem it solves.
3. Give you what I think is important for you to understand about the language,rather than everything that I know
example:memorize the operator precedence table
4. Keep each section focused enough
5. Provide you with a solid foundation
Teaching from this book
in doing so 在这种情况下
the book is designed to support a two-week seminar or a two-term college course.
Hands-on Java CD ROM:instroduce JDBC,Servlets and JSPs
Intermediate Thinking in Java CD ROM
JDK HTML documentation
this book will not repeat that documentation,because it's much faster if you find the class descriptions with you Web browser than if you look them up in a book,and the online documentation is probably more upto-date.
I've discovered that simple exercises are exceptionally useful to complete a student's understanding during a seminar.
Most exercises are easy enough.Some are more challenging,but non present major challengs.大部分练习都很简单。有一些练习具有挑战性,但是没有难度很高的练习
Solutions to selected exercises can be found in the electronic document The Thinking in Java Annotated Solution Guide, available for sale from
Foundations for Java
Thinking in C (you can download from
Source code
distributed as a single package, can download from
Coding standards
In the text of this book,identifiers(methods,variables, and class names are set in bold. Most keywords are also set in bold, except for those keywords that are used so much that the bolding can become tedious, such as "class".
As much as possible, the coding style follows the style that Sun iteself uses in virtually all of code you will find at its site (see, and seems to be supported by most Java development environments.
One solution to the coding style issue is to use a tool like Jalopy(,which assisted me in developing this book, to change formatting to that which suits you
The book focuses on and is tested with Java SE5/6.
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