转自 https://www.cnblogs.com/hustzzl/p/9343797.html

1. Java锁的种类


  • 乐观锁/悲观锁
  • 独享锁/共享锁
  • 互斥锁/读写锁
  • 可重入锁
  • 公平锁/非公平锁
  • 分段锁
  • 偏向锁/轻量级锁/重量级锁
  • 自旋锁


1.1 乐观锁/悲观锁


  乐观锁:顾名思义,就是很乐观,每次去拿数据的时候都认为别人不会修改,所以不会上锁,但是在更新的时候会判断一下在此期间别人有没有去更新这个数据,可以使用版本号等机制。乐观锁适用于多读的应用类型,这样可以提高吞吐量,在Java中java.util.concurrent.atomic包下面的原子变量类就是使用了乐观锁的一种实现方式CAS(Compare and Swap 比较并交换)实现的。





1.1.1 乐观锁


(1) 数据版本机制



1 update table set xxx=#{xxx}, version=version+1 where id=#{id} and version=#{version};

(2) CAS操作

  CAS(Compare and Swap 比较并交换),当多个线程尝试使用CAS同时更新同一个变量时,只有其中一个线程能更新变量的值,而其它线程都失败,失败的线程并不会被挂起,而是被告知这次竞争中失败,并可以再次尝试。


1.2 悲观锁


  在对任意记录进行修改前,先尝试为该记录加上排他锁(exclusive locking)。




1.2 独享锁/共享锁



  对于Java ReentrantLock而言,其是独享锁。但是对于Lock的另一个实现类ReadWriteLock,其读锁是共享锁,其写锁是独享锁。




1.3 互斥锁/读写锁




1.4 可重入锁


  对于Java ReetrantLock而言,从名字就可以看出是一个重入锁,其名字是Re entrant Lock 重新进入锁。


1 synchronized void setA() throws Exception{
2   Thread.sleep(1000);
3   setB();
4 }
6 synchronized void setB() throws Exception{
7   Thread.sleep(1000);
8 }


1.5 公平锁/非公平锁



  对于Java ReetrantLock而言,通过构造函数指定该锁是否是公平锁,默认是非公平锁。非公平锁的优点在于吞吐量比公平锁大。


1.6 分段锁






1.7 偏向锁/轻量级锁/重量级锁

  这三种锁是指锁的状态,并且是针对Synchronized。在Java 5通过引入锁升级的机制来实现高效Synchronized。这三种锁的状态是通过对象监视器在对象头中的字段来表明的。




1.8 自旋锁



2.1 预备知识

2.1.1 AQS

  AbstractQueuedSynchronized 抽象队列式的同步器,AQS定义了一套多线程访问共享资源的同步器框架,许多同步类实现都依赖于它,如常用的ReentrantLock/Semaphore/CountDownLatch…


  AQS维护了一个volatile int state(代表共享资源)和一个FIFO线程等待队列(多线程争用资源被阻塞时会进入此队列)。


1 getState()
2 setState()
3 compareAndSetState()



1 isHeldExclusively():该线程是否正在独占资源。只有用到condition才需要去实现它。
2 tryAquire(int):独占方式。尝试获取资源,成功则返回true,失败则返回false。
3 tryRelease(int):独占方式。尝试释放资源,成功则返回true,失败则返回false。
4 tryAcquireShared(int):共享方式。尝试获取资源。负数表示失败;0表示成功,但没有剩余可用资源;正数表示成功,且有剩余资源。
5 tryReleaseShared(int):共享方式。尝试释放资源,如果释放后允许唤醒后续等待结点返回true,否则返回false。




2.1.2 CAS

  CAS(Compare and Swap 比较并交换)是乐观锁技术,当多个线程尝试使用CAS同时更新同一个变量时,只有其中一个线程能更新变量的值,而其他线程都失败,失败的线程并不会被挂起,而是被告知这次竞争中失败,并可以再次尝试。




 1 public class AtomicInteger extends Number implements java.io.Serializable{
2   private volatile int value;
3   public final int get(){
4     return value;
5   }
7   public final int getAndIncrement(){
8     for (;;){
9       int current = get();
10       int next = current + 1;
11       if (compareAndSet(current, next))
12       return current;
13     }
14   }
16   public final boolean compareAndSet(int expect, int update){
17     return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, expect, update);
18   }
19 }

2.2 实战

2.2.1 synchronized


 1 public class MyLockTest implements Runnable {
2 public synchronized void get() {
3 System.out.println("2 enter thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
4 //reentrantLock.lock();
5 System.out.println("3 get thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
6 set();
7 //reentrantLock.unlock();
8 System.out.println("5 leave run thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
9 }
11 public synchronized void set() {
12 //reentrantLock.lock();
13 System.out.println("4 set thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
14 //reentrantLock.unlock();
15 }
17 @Override
18 public void run() {
19 System.out.println("1 run thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
20 get();
21 }
23 public static void main(String[] args) {
24 MyLockTest test = new MyLockTest();
25 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
26 new Thread(test, "thread-" + i).start();
27 }
28 }
30 }


 1 1 run thread name-->thread-0
2 2 enter thread name-->thread-0
3 3 get thread name-->thread-0
4 1 run thread name-->thread-1
5 1 run thread name-->thread-2
6 4 set thread name-->thread-0
7 5 leave run thread name-->thread-0
8 1 run thread name-->thread-3
9 2 enter thread name-->thread-2
10 3 get thread name-->thread-2
11 4 set thread name-->thread-2
12 5 leave run thread name-->thread-2
13 2 enter thread name-->thread-1
14 3 get thread name-->thread-1
15 4 set thread name-->thread-1
16 5 leave run thread name-->thread-1
17 2 enter thread name-->thread-3
18 3 get thread name-->thread-3
19 4 set thread name-->thread-3
20 5 leave run thread name-->thread-3
21 1 run thread name-->thread-5
22 2 enter thread name-->thread-5
23 3 get thread name-->thread-5
24 4 set thread name-->thread-5
25 5 leave run thread name-->thread-5
26 1 run thread name-->thread-7
27 1 run thread name-->thread-6
28 2 enter thread name-->thread-7
29 3 get thread name-->thread-7
30 4 set thread name-->thread-7
31 1 run thread name-->thread-4
32 5 leave run thread name-->thread-7
33 1 run thread name-->thread-8
34 2 enter thread name-->thread-8
35 3 get thread name-->thread-8
36 4 set thread name-->thread-8
37 5 leave run thread name-->thread-8
38 1 run thread name-->thread-9
39 2 enter thread name-->thread-4
40 3 get thread name-->thread-4
41 4 set thread name-->thread-4
42 5 leave run thread name-->thread-4
43 2 enter thread name-->thread-6
44 3 get thread name-->thread-6
45 4 set thread name-->thread-6
46 5 leave run thread name-->thread-6
47 2 enter thread name-->thread-9
48 3 get thread name-->thread-9
49 4 set thread name-->thread-9
50 5 leave run thread name-->thread-9


2.2.2 ReentrantLock


 1 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
3 public class MyLockTest implements Runnable {
5 private ReentrantLock reentrantLock = new ReentrantLock();
7 public void get() {
8 System.out.println("2 enter thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
9 reentrantLock.lock();
10 System.out.println("3 get thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
11 set();
12 reentrantLock.unlock();
13 System.out.println("5 leave run thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
14 }
16 public void set() {
17 reentrantLock.lock();
18 System.out.println("4 set thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
19 reentrantLock.unlock();
20 }
22 @Override
23 public void run() {
24 System.out.println("1 run thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
25 get();
26 }
28 public static void main(String[] args) {
29 MyLockTest test = new MyLockTest();
30 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
31 new Thread(test, "thread-" + i).start();
32 }
33 }
35 }


 1 1 run thread name-->thread-0
2 2 enter thread name-->thread-0
3 1 run thread name-->thread-1
4 2 enter thread name-->thread-1
5 3 get thread name-->thread-0
6 4 set thread name-->thread-0
7 1 run thread name-->thread-3
8 2 enter thread name-->thread-3
9 3 get thread name-->thread-3
10 4 set thread name-->thread-3
11 5 leave run thread name-->thread-3
12 1 run thread name-->thread-4
13 2 enter thread name-->thread-4
14 3 get thread name-->thread-4
15 4 set thread name-->thread-4
16 5 leave run thread name-->thread-4
17 1 run thread name-->thread-5
18 2 enter thread name-->thread-5
19 3 get thread name-->thread-5
20 4 set thread name-->thread-5
21 5 leave run thread name-->thread-5
22 1 run thread name-->thread-7
23 2 enter thread name-->thread-7
24 3 get thread name-->thread-7
25 4 set thread name-->thread-7
26 5 leave run thread name-->thread-7
27 5 leave run thread name-->thread-0
28 3 get thread name-->thread-1
29 4 set thread name-->thread-1
30 5 leave run thread name-->thread-1
31 1 run thread name-->thread-2
32 2 enter thread name-->thread-2
33 3 get thread name-->thread-2
34 4 set thread name-->thread-2
35 5 leave run thread name-->thread-2
36 1 run thread name-->thread-9
37 2 enter thread name-->thread-9
38 3 get thread name-->thread-9
39 4 set thread name-->thread-9
40 5 leave run thread name-->thread-9
41 1 run thread name-->thread-6
42 1 run thread name-->thread-8
43 2 enter thread name-->thread-8
44 3 get thread name-->thread-8
45 4 set thread name-->thread-8
46 5 leave run thread name-->thread-8
47 2 enter thread name-->thread-6
48 3 get thread name-->thread-6
49 4 set thread name-->thread-6
50 5 leave run thread name-->thread-6



1     /**
2 * Creates an instance of {@code ReentrantLock} with the
3 * given fairness policy.
4 *
5 * @param fair {@code true} if this lock should use a fair ordering policy
6 */
7 public ReentrantLock(boolean fair) {
8 sync = fair ? new FairSync() : new NonfairSync();
9 }


1 ReentrantLock reentrantLock = new ReentrantLock(true);


 1 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
3 public class MyLockTest implements Runnable {
5 private ReentrantLock reentrantLock = new ReentrantLock(true);
7 public void get() {
8 System.out.println("2 enter thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
9 reentrantLock.lock();
10 System.out.println("3 get thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
11 set();
12 reentrantLock.unlock();
13 System.out.println("5 leave run thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
14 }
16 public void set() {
17 reentrantLock.lock();
18 System.out.println("4 set thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
19 reentrantLock.unlock();
20 }
22 @Override
23 public void run() {
24 System.out.println("1 run thread name-->" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
25 get();
26 }
28 public static void main(String[] args) {
29 MyLockTest test = new MyLockTest();
30 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
31 new Thread(test, "thread-" + i).start();
32 }
33 }
35 }


 1 1 run thread name-->thread-0
2 2 enter thread name-->thread-0
3 3 get thread name-->thread-0
4 1 run thread name-->thread-2
5 2 enter thread name-->thread-2
6 4 set thread name-->thread-0
7 1 run thread name-->thread-3
8 2 enter thread name-->thread-3
9 1 run thread name-->thread-1
10 2 enter thread name-->thread-1
11 1 run thread name-->thread-5
12 2 enter thread name-->thread-5
13 3 get thread name-->thread-2
14 4 set thread name-->thread-2
15 5 leave run thread name-->thread-2
16 5 leave run thread name-->thread-0
17 3 get thread name-->thread-3
18 4 set thread name-->thread-3
19 5 leave run thread name-->thread-3
20 1 run thread name-->thread-9
21 2 enter thread name-->thread-9
22 3 get thread name-->thread-1
23 4 set thread name-->thread-1
24 5 leave run thread name-->thread-1
25 3 get thread name-->thread-5
26 4 set thread name-->thread-5
27 5 leave run thread name-->thread-5
28 3 get thread name-->thread-9
29 4 set thread name-->thread-9
30 5 leave run thread name-->thread-9
31 1 run thread name-->thread-6
32 2 enter thread name-->thread-6
33 3 get thread name-->thread-6
34 4 set thread name-->thread-6
35 1 run thread name-->thread-7
36 5 leave run thread name-->thread-6
37 2 enter thread name-->thread-7
38 3 get thread name-->thread-7
39 4 set thread name-->thread-7
40 5 leave run thread name-->thread-7
41 1 run thread name-->thread-4
42 2 enter thread name-->thread-4
43 3 get thread name-->thread-4
44 1 run thread name-->thread-8
45 2 enter thread name-->thread-8
46 4 set thread name-->thread-4
47 5 leave run thread name-->thread-4
48 3 get thread name-->thread-8
49 4 set thread name-->thread-8
50 5 leave run thread name-->thread-8


2.2.3 ReentrantReadWriteLock


特性 说明
公平性选择 支持非公平(默认)和公平的锁获取方式,吞吐量还是非公平优于公平
重进入 该锁支持重进入,以读写线程为例:读线程在获取了读锁之后,能够再次获取读锁。而写线程在获取了写锁之后能够再次获取写锁,同时也可以获取读锁
锁降级 遵循获取写锁、获取读锁再释放写锁的次序,写锁能够降级成为读锁
 1 import java.util.HashMap;
2 import java.util.Map;
3 import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
4 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
6 public class MyLockTest {
8 public static void main(String[] args) {
9 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
10 new Thread(new Runnable() {
11 @Override
12 public void run() {
13 Cache.put("key", new String(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " joke"));
14 }
15 }, "threadW-" + i).start();
16 new Thread(new Runnable() {
17 @Override
18 public void run() {
19 System.out.println(Cache.get("key"));
20 }
21 }, "threadR-" + i).start();
22 new Thread(new Runnable() {
23 @Override
24 public void run() {
25 Cache.clear();
26 }
27 }, "threadC-" + i).start();
28 }
29 }
30 }
32 class Cache {
33 static Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
34 static ReentrantReadWriteLock rwl = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
35 static Lock r = rwl.readLock();
36 static Lock w = rwl.writeLock();
38 // 获取一个key对应的value
39 public static final Object get(String key) {
40 r.lock();
41 try {
42 System.out.println("get " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
43 return map.get(key);
44 } finally {
45 r.unlock();
46 }
47 }
49 // 设置key对应的value,并返回旧有的value
50 public static final Object put(String key, Object value) {
51 w.lock();
52 try {
53 System.out.println("put " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
54 return map.put(key, value);
55 } finally {
56 w.unlock();
57 }
58 }
60 // 清空所有的内容
61 public static final void clear() {
62 w.lock();
63 try {
64 System.out.println("clear " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
65 map.clear();
66 } finally {
67 w.unlock();
68 }
69 }
70 }


 1 put threadW-0
2 clear threadC-1
3 put threadW-1
4 get threadR-1
5 threadW-1 joke
6 put threadW-2
7 get threadR-0
8 threadW-2 joke
9 clear threadC-0
10 get threadR-2
11 null
12 clear threadC-4
13 clear threadC-2
14 clear threadC-3
15 put threadW-4
16 put threadW-3
17 get threadR-3
18 threadW-3 joke
19 put threadW-5
20 get threadR-4
21 threadW-5 joke
22 clear threadC-5
23 put threadW-6
24 put threadW-7
25 get threadR-7
26 threadW-7 joke
27 get threadR-5
28 threadW-7 joke
29 get threadR-6
30 threadW-7 joke
31 clear threadC-6
32 clear threadC-7
33 put threadW-8
34 clear threadC-8
35 put threadW-9
36 get threadR-9
37 threadW-9 joke
38 clear threadC-9
39 get threadR-8
40 null


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