C++ Socket WSAENOBUFS WSAoverlapped
This problem is non intuitive and difficult to detect, because at first sight, it seems to be a normal deadlock or a memory leakage "bug". Assume that you have developed your server and everything runs fine. When you stress test the server, it suddenly hangs. If you are lucky, you can find out that it has something to do with the WSAENOBUFS error.
With every overlapped send or receive operation, it is possible that the data buffer submitted will be locked. When memory is locked, it cannot be paged out of physical memory. The operating system imposes a limit on the amount of memory that can be locked. When this limit is reached, the overlapped operations will fail with the WSAENOBUFS error.
If a server posts many overlapped receives on each connection, this limit will be reached when the number of connections grow. If a server anticipates handling a very high number of concurrent clients, the server can post a single zero byte receive on each connection. Because there is no buffer associated with the receive operation, no memory needs to be locked. With this approach, the per-socket receive buffer should be left intact because once the zero-byte receive operation is completed, the server can simply perform a non-blocking receive to retrieve all the data buffered in the socket's receive buffer. There is no more data pending when the non-blocking receive fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK. This design would be for the one that requires the maximum possible concurrent connections while sacrificing the data throughput on each connection. Of course, the more you know about how the clients interact with the server, the better. In the previous example, a non-blocking receive was performed once the zero-byte receive completes retrieving the buffered data. If the server knows that clients send data in bursts, then once the zero-byte receive is completed, it may post one or more overlapped receives in case the client sends a substantial amount of data (greater than the per-socket receive buffer that is 8 KB by default).
A simple practical solution to the WSAENOBUFS error problem is in the source code provided. We perform an asynchronous WSARead(..) (see OnZeroByteRead(..)) with a zero byte buffer. When this call completes, we know that there is data in the TCP/IP stack, and we read it by performing several asynchronous WSARead(..) with a buffer of MAXIMUMPACKAGESIZE. This solution locks physical memory only when data arrives, and solves the WSAENOBUFS problem. But this solution decreases the throughput of the server (see Q6 and A6 in section 9 F.A.Q).
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