1. Create a public repo on github, you can add README or License files on the master branch, suppose the url is:


  2. Get the private repo:

    $ git clone https://leechau@bitbucket.org/leechau/donno.git

    $ cd donno

    $ git branch -v -a (list all remote branches for checkout)

    $ git checkout -b develop origin/develop (copy remote branch to local repo and update working directory)

  3. Publish to github, you have 2 choices:

    i. Publish selected branches:

    1. $ git remote add don4 https://github.com/leetschau/don4.git
    2. $ git push -u don4 master
    3. $ git push -u don4 develop

    or you can push your "master" branch to remote as "init" branch for avoid confliction with master branch created on github:

    1. $ git push don4 master:init

    i. Publish all branches:

    1. $ git push --mirror https://github.com/leetschau/don4.git

    In this case you can't create README or License files when creating github project, to avoid conflict on master branch.

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