开启Android Apk调试与备份选项的Xposed模块的编写
上面提到的两种开启Android应用程序调试选项的方法都不是最佳的,作者泉哥编写了一个基于Xposed框架实现的开启APK调试与备份选项的Xposed模块,只要在Android系统上成功安装了Xposed框架,再安装和激活泉哥编写的 BDOpener插件 重启Android系统就可以开启Android应用的dex代码调试模式。之前我曾尝试过修改Android系统源码的方法开启Android应用的dex代码调试模式,但是效果不好,影响到Android系统app的启动,需要过滤Android系统应用。
BDOpener插件的Xposed Hook代码编写原理如下:
java Hook处理类"com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService"中所有名称为"getPackageInfo"的类方法,修改该类方法的函数返回值PackageInfo,为返回值PackageInfo对象中的实例成员变量applicationInfo的flags增加调试模式选项和备份模式选项,这用每次调用类PackageManagerService的类方法"getPackageInfo"获取到的Android应用程序的包信息中都带有调试模式选项和备份模式选项的信息。
// 在apk程序的Activity显示之前执行的代码
private void handleBindApplication(AppBindData data) {
mBoundApplication = data;
mConfiguration = new Configuration(data.config);
mCompatConfiguration = new Configuration(data.config);
mProfiler = new Profiler();
mProfiler.profileFile = data.initProfileFile;
mProfiler.profileFd = data.initProfileFd;
mProfiler.autoStopProfiler = data.initAutoStopProfiler;
// send up app name; do this *before* waiting for debugger
if (data.persistent) {
// Persistent processes on low-memory devices do not get to
// use hardware accelerated drawing, since this can add too much
// overhead to the process.
if (!ActivityManager.isHighEndGfx()) {
if (mProfiler.profileFd != null) {
// If the app is Honeycomb MR1 or earlier, switch its AsyncTask
// implementation to use the pool executor. Normally, we use the
// serialized executor as the default. This has to happen in the
// main thread so the main looper is set right.
if (data.appInfo.targetSdkVersion <= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR1) {
* Before spawning a new process, reset the time zone to be the system time zone.
* This needs to be done because the system time zone could have changed after the
* the spawning of this process. Without doing this this process would have the incorrect
* system time zone.
* Initialize the default locale in this process for the reasons we set the time zone.
* Update the system configuration since its preloaded and might not
* reflect configuration changes. The configuration object passed
* in AppBindData can be safely assumed to be up to date
mResourcesManager.applyConfigurationToResourcesLocked(data.config, data.compatInfo);
mCurDefaultDisplayDpi = data.config.densityDpi;
// LoadedApk info;
// 对Android应用的dex文件进行加载返回LoadedApk实例对象
data.info = getPackageInfoNoCheck(data.appInfo, data.compatInfo);
* Switch this process to density compatibility mode if needed.
if ((data.appInfo.flags&ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SUPPORTS_SCREEN_DENSITIES)
== 0) {
mDensityCompatMode = true;
// 创建并初始化Android应用程序的Context
final ContextImpl appContext = new ContextImpl();
appContext.init(data.info, null, this);
if (!Process.isIsolated()) {
final File cacheDir = appContext.getCacheDir();
if (cacheDir != null) {
// Provide a usable directory for temporary files
System.setProperty("java.io.tmpdir", cacheDir.getAbsolutePath());
setupGraphicsSupport(data.info, cacheDir);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to setupGraphicsSupport due to missing cache directory");
* For system applications on userdebug/eng builds, log stack
* traces of disk and network access to dropbox for analysis.
if ((data.appInfo.flags &
(ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM |
ApplicationInfo.FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP)) != 0) {
* For apps targetting SDK Honeycomb or later, we don't allow
* network usage on the main event loop / UI thread.
* Note to those grepping: this is what ultimately throws
* NetworkOnMainThreadException ...
if (data.appInfo.targetSdkVersion > 9) {
// 判断Android应用是否打开调试模式
if (data.debugMode != IApplicationThread.DEBUG_OFF) {
// XXX should have option to change the port.
if (data.debugMode == IApplicationThread.DEBUG_WAIT) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Application " + data.info.getPackageName()
+ " is waiting for the debugger on port 8100...");
IActivityManager mgr = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault();
try {
mgr.showWaitingForDebugger(mAppThread, true);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
// 调试模式运行app并调试等待
try {
// Android程序调试模式启动的提示
mgr.showWaitingForDebugger(mAppThread, false);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
} else {
Slog.w(TAG, "Application " + data.info.getPackageName()
+ " can be debugged on port 8100...");
// Enable OpenGL tracing if required
if (data.enableOpenGlTrace) {
// Allow application-generated systrace messages if we're debuggable.
boolean appTracingAllowed = (data.appInfo.flags&ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE) != 0;
** Initialize the default http proxy in this process for the reasons we set the time zone.
IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (b != null) {
// In pre-boot mode (doing initial launch to collect password), not
// all system is up. This includes the connectivity service, so don't
// crash if we can't get it.
IConnectivityManager service = IConnectivityManager.Stub.asInterface(b);
try {
ProxyProperties proxyProperties = service.getProxy();
} catch (RemoteException e) {}
if (data.instrumentationName != null) {
InstrumentationInfo ii = null;
try {
ii = appContext.getPackageManager().
getInstrumentationInfo(data.instrumentationName, 0);
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
if (ii == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to find instrumentation info for: "
+ data.instrumentationName);
mInstrumentationAppDir = ii.sourceDir;
mInstrumentationAppLibraryDir = ii.nativeLibraryDir;
mInstrumentationAppPackage = ii.packageName;
mInstrumentedAppDir = data.info.getAppDir();
mInstrumentedAppLibraryDir = data.info.getLibDir();
ApplicationInfo instrApp = new ApplicationInfo();
instrApp.packageName = ii.packageName;
instrApp.sourceDir = ii.sourceDir;
instrApp.publicSourceDir = ii.publicSourceDir;
instrApp.dataDir = ii.dataDir;
instrApp.nativeLibraryDir = ii.nativeLibraryDir;
// 得到Android应用dex文件加载后的LoadedApk实例
LoadedApk pi = getPackageInfo(instrApp, data.compatInfo,
appContext.getClassLoader(), false, true);
ContextImpl instrContext = new ContextImpl();
instrContext.init(pi, null, this);
try {
java.lang.ClassLoader cl = instrContext.getClassLoader();
mInstrumentation = (Instrumentation)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to instantiate instrumentation "
+ data.instrumentationName + ": " + e.toString(), e);
mInstrumentation.init(this, instrContext, appContext,
new ComponentName(ii.packageName, ii.name), data.instrumentationWatcher,
if (mProfiler.profileFile != null && !ii.handleProfiling
&& mProfiler.profileFd == null) {
mProfiler.handlingProfiling = true;
File file = new File(mProfiler.profileFile);
Debug.startMethodTracing(file.toString(), 8 * 1024 * 1024);
} else {
// 构建Instrumentation对象实例
mInstrumentation = new Instrumentation();
if ((data.appInfo.flags&ApplicationInfo.FLAG_LARGE_HEAP) != 0) {
// Allow disk access during application and provider setup. This could
// block processing ordered broadcasts, but later processing would
// probably end up doing the same disk access.
final StrictMode.ThreadPolicy savedPolicy = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskWrites();
try {
// If the app is being launched for full backup or restore, bring it up in
// a restricted environment with the base application class.
// 创建Android应用的Application类对象的实例并调用其attach方法
// 间接通过调用attach方法调用Android应用的attachBaseContext方法
Application app = data.info.makeApplication(data.restrictedBackupMode, null);
// 在类ActivityThread的成员变量mInitialApplication中保存创建的Application类对象实例(3)
// 将第1个Application视为进程的初始化Application
mInitialApplication = app;
// don't bring up providers in restricted mode; they may depend on the
// app's custom Application class
if (!data.restrictedBackupMode) {
// 获取当前Android应用的ContentProvider
List<ProviderInfo> providers = data.providers;
if (providers != null) {
// 安装该Android应用程序的ContentProvider
installContentProviders(app, providers);
// For process that contains content providers, we want to
// ensure that the JIT is enabled "at some point".
mH.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(H.ENABLE_JIT, 10*1000);
// Do this after providers, since instrumentation tests generally start their
// test thread at this point, and we don't want that racing.
try {
// 调用Instrumentationde的OnCreate方法
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Exception thrown in onCreate() of "
+ data.instrumentationName + ": " + e.toString(), e);
try {
// 调用Application的OnCreate方法
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!mInstrumentation.onException(app, e)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to create application " + app.getClass().getName()
+ ": " + e.toString(), e);
} finally {
整理一下BDOpener插件的逆向代码,Xposed Hook的插件代码编写如下所示:
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
import android.util.Log;
public void handleLoadPackage(final LoadPackageParam lpparam) throws Throwable {
// 打开Android应用的调试模式和备份选项
boolean isDebugable(ApplicationInfo applicationInfo) {
if((applicationInfo.flags & 2) != 0) {
Log.i("BDOpener", "Open Debugable");
return true;
Log.i("BDOpener", "Close Debugable");
return false;
public boolean isBackup(ApplicationInfo applicationInfo) {
if((applicationInfo.flags & 32768) != 0) {
Log.i("BDOpener", "Open Backup");
return true;
Log.i("BDOpener", "Close Backup");
return false;
// 开启Android应用的调试和备份选项
void openDB(LoadPackageParam lpparam) {
* Value for {@link #flags}: set to <code>false</code> if the application does not wish
* to permit any OS-driven backups of its data; <code>true</code> otherwise.
* <p>Comes from the
* {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestApplication_allowBackup android:allowBackup}
* attribute of the <application> tag.
final int FLAG_ALLOW_BACKUP = 1<<15;
* Value for {@link #flags}: set to true if this application would like to
* allow debugging of its
* code, even when installed on a non-development system. Comes
* from {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestApplication_debuggable
* android:debuggable} of the <application> tag.
final int FLAG_DEBUGGABLE = 1<<1;
Class<?> packageManagerService =
XposedHelpers.findClass("com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService", lpparam.classLoader);
XC_MethodHook callback = new XC_MethodHook() {
protected void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param)
throws Throwable {
protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param)
throws Throwable {
PackageInfo packageInfo = (PackageInfo) param.getResult();
if (packageInfo != null) {
ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = packageInfo.applicationInfo;
int nFlags = applicationInfo.flags;
Log.i("BDOpener", "Load App : " + applicationInfo.packageName);
Log.i("BDOpener", "==== After Hook ====");
// 判断当前Android应用是否开启调试模式选项
if ((nFlags & FLAG_DEBUGGABLE) == 0) {
// 判断当前Android应用是否开启备份选项
if ((nFlags & FLAG_ALLOW_BACKUP) == 0) {
applicationInfo.flags = nFlags;
// 修改函数的返回值
Log.i("BDOpener", "flags = " + nFlags);
// 执行java Hook操作
XposedBridge.hookAllMethods(packageManagerService, "getPackageInfo", callback);
adb shell am start -W -D -n 包名/主Activity类名称字符串
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