(N) AP > Setup > Invoice > Hold and Release Names

Use the Invoice Hold and Release Names window to define the names that you use to manually
hold or release invoices. You can define hold names that you assign to an invoice during entry to
place the invoice on hold. For example, "Needs CFO Approval". You can also define release names
that you use in the Invoice Holds tab or Invoice Actions window to remove the holds you apply to
invoices. For example, "CFO Approved". You cannot pay an invoice that has a hold applied to it.
You can define as many invoice hold and release names as you need.
You can also determine whether to allow accounting entry creation for the hold names you
define. If you assign to an invoice a hold name that does not allow accounting, then you cannot
create accounting entries for the invoice until you remove the hold.
Payables predefined invoice hold names

Payables predefines hold names and release holds that it uses to apply and release invoice holds
during Invoice Validation.
In the Invoice Hold and Release Names window, you can query the predefined hold and release
names that Payables provides, but you cannot modify them.
Invoice Hold Types
The following table shows the hold names that are predefined in Payables.

Invoice Release Types
The following table shows the release names that are predefined in Payables.

Defining Supplier Controls
You can automatically apply holds to invoices for a supplier site by enabling invoice controls for

the site. Payables provides controls that you can enable in the Supplier Sites region of the
Suppliers page. You can also define default values for these controls in the Suppliers page at the
supplier level. Payables automatically assigns defaults you define for a supplier to any new sites
you enter for the supplier. See: Defining Invoice Management Defaults.
Defining Invoice Hold and Release Names
To define invoice hold or release name:
1. In the Invoice Hold and Release Names window enter a unique Name and Description to
identify the hold or release name. The name and reason will appear on a list of values
whenever you need to enter the hold or release name.
2. Enter the type of name you are defining. You can define either hold or release names.
For detailed information on any field, see: Invoice Hold and Release Names Window
3. If you are defining a hold name, enable the Accounting Allowed option if you want to
allow Payables to create accounting entries for invoices that have this hold applied.
4. If you want to make the hold or release name inactive on and after a certain date enter a
value in the Inactive On field.
5. Save your work.

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