

<table id="sp_table" class="display">
</table> //So you just make the Ajax call "manually" and then use the return to initialise DataTables.
$.ajax( {
"url": 'whatever.php',
"success": function ( json ) {
json.bDestroy = true;
$('#example').dataTable( json );
"dataType": "json"
} ); { "aaData": [
[ "2010-07-27 10:43:08", "..."], [ "2010-06-28 17:54:33", "..."],
[ "2010-06-28 16:09:06", "..."], [ "2010-06-09 19:15:00", "..."]
] , "aaSorting": [
[ 1, "desc" ]
], "aoColumns": [
{ "sTitle": "Title1" },
{ "sTitle": "Title2" }
] }

<table class="display" id="table"></table>
js $("#table").dataTable({
{mDataProp:"foo",sTitle:"Foo Title"},
{mDataProp:"bar",sTitle:"Bar Title"}
fnServerData: function( sUrl, data, fnCallback){
$.get('data.php', function(res) {
fnCallback({ // process results to match table format
"iTotalRecords" ||,
"iTotalDisplayRecords" ||,
Where data.php is {
{foo:"Foo 1",bar:"Bar 1"},
{foo:"Foo 2",bar:"Bar 2"},
{foo:"Foo 3",bar:"Bar 3"},
I add a new columns by recreating the whole datatable which is not recommended. But here's roughly how I do it:

1. Get column data via ajax

2. Push new column def:

"aTargets": [aoColumnDefs.length]
, "sTitle": sTitle
, "bSearchable": true
, "bVisible": true
, "bSortable": false
, "sClass": "recipe"
}); 3. Push new row data into aaData: $.each(aaData, function (i, rowData) {
rowData.push(newColData[rowData[1]] == undefined ? '' : newColData[rowData[1]]);
}); 4. reinitialize DataTable Removing a column: 1. Get the index into aaData and aoColumnDefs of the column to remove by the column index of the column to remove: var dataIndex = myConstants.numFixedColumns + index; 2. Remove array element at the index obtained in #1. $.each(aaData, function (i, data) {
data.splice(dataIndex, 1);
}); 3. Resequence aTargets: $.each(aoColumnDefs, function (i, column) {
column.aTargets = [i];
}); 4. reinitialize DataTable
I've got DataTables working fine on my page- the only problem I have is dynamically declaring the table headers. I'm using an existing JSON object instead of using DataTables built in AJAX functions (for various reasons). Here's what I've tried so far...

Normal (works):
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"aaData": results.DATA ,
"aoColumns": [ {"sTitle": "Name"}, {"sTitle": "County"} ]
}); Give it the JSON (doesn't work):
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"aaData": results.DATA ,
"aoColumns": results.COLUMNS
}); Give it a string var (doesn't work):
jQuery.each(results.COLUMNS, function(i, value){
column_names += '{"sTitle": "'+ value + '"}';
if (i+1 != results.COLUMNS.length) column_names += ", ";
); // This creates the string '{"sTitle": "NAME"}, {"sTitle": "COUNTY"}' - confirmed in FireBug.
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"aaData": results.DATA ,
"aoColumns": [ column_names ]
}); Give it an object var (doesn't work):
var columns = new Array();
jQuery.each(results.COLUMNS, function(i, value){
columns.push(column_name={stitle: value})
); //Creates the object, confirmed in FireBug
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"aaData": results.DATA ,
"aoColumns": [ columns ]
}); Help? PS: The code examples were just typed up- there may be some stray commas or something. All the code (and variables) were tested in the browser.
fbasfbas August 2011
I can't see why approach #2 doesn't work unless your aoColumns are not defined correctly.
luketheobscureluketheobscure August 2011
Interesting. Here's the truncated JSON data: {"COLUMNS":["NAME","COUNTY"],"DATA":[[" John Doe","Fresno"],["Billy,"Fresno"],["Tom","Kern"],["King Smith","Kings"]]} Resulting table renders correctly, just without the column names.
fbasfbas August 2011
use the same format as aoColumns (an array of objects) {"COLUMNS":[{ sTitle: "NAME"}, { sTitle: "COUNTY"}],"DATA":[[" John Doe","Fresno"],["Billy,"Fresno"],["Tom","Kern"],["King Smith","Kings"]]} you can use any of the "init options - columns" values listed on or follow the examples at
luketheobscureluketheobscure August 2011
Thanks so much for helping me out. In the end, I added this right before I declared my dataTable: var columns = [];
jQuery.each(results.COLUMNS, function(i, value){
var obj = { sTitle: value };
}); In case anyone else is looking, this takes the native way that ColdFusion returns JSON columns and puts it into what dataTables expects.

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