
You’re asking about app size? Not a news. Since Delphi 1 people’re  asking "why Windows calculator is 33 kb, while Delphi version of the same exe is 300 kb"? Then and now it’s a question not about technology. Are you asking about the technology? Technology is so, that some additional megabytes give you cross-platform development tools, and freedom to your customer, where to run you app: iOS or Android. Some megabytes worth it.


You’re asking about app size? You don’t care about how easy it is now to develop on the single code base and very often as SINGLE CODE for Android and iOS? You should know, that app size is NON-FUNCTIONAL quality. Developers care about functionality, because it is paid. Journalists are paid for number of lines. Programmers are paid for number of lines. Nobody’s paid for more or less megabytes.

You’re asking about app size? You’re saying "hello world" is too large? Are you going to develop and sell "hello world" apps? No? The main task is fast multi-platform delivery of true-native mobile apps to the market. Bright, interesting, commercially successful apps, not "hello world". With Delphi you can go beyond "hello world" very fast. Multi-device apps, multi-platform apps, enterprise-ready mobile app to run on every employee BYOD devise worth 1 or 2 seconds of download time.

你说一个hello world 程序太大了,你只开发或者销售 一个hello world的程序吗 ? 最重要的是你可以拿delphi 非常快速的开发不局限于 hello word的程序 多设备、多平台支持

You’re asking about app size?
Think of yourself, rather than app size. Who can now say, your skills are
old-fashioned and desktop oriented? You’re a Delphi professional, it means
you’re ready for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and finally Android. With XE5, of course:)

你作为一个专业的delph XE5的i程序员 意味着你可以在Windows, Mac OS, iOS and finally Android 这些平台上开发.....

O(∩_∩)O~  有兴趣的话您可以浏览原地址


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