1. Introduction


"Customers own their data and we can be no more than the trsted stewards of that data". Ford CEO, Mark Fields, 2015

U.S. government affairs February 2015, Senators Markey and Blumenthal. “cyber dashboard”. Link.

1.2. 隐私和数据保护

1.3. 汽车数据


- 各种sensor,速度,GPS,耗油

- 娱乐系统,视频,电话,图片

- 后台服务器。通讯,数据储存



- 零配件供应商

- 汽车保险维护

- 服务提供商。租车行

1.4. 个人数据

Identifiable person

1.5. 汽车数据与个人数据


1.6. Privacy Goals

- 可切断性 (Unlinkability)

- 透明度 (Transparency)

- 可操作性。订阅,取消,删除数据 (Intervenability)

- Accountability

2. 汽车产商

Automakers Pledge to Protect and Respect Consumer Privacy

VDA Members provide data protection principles for connected vehicles

- Transparency

- Data-determination

- Data security

US Federal Trde Commision


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