
byte[] b=new byte[]{2,9,43};
String ss=new String(b,"utf-8");
byte[] b1=ss.getbytes();



byte[] b=new byte[]{-2,-9,43};
String ss=new String(b,"utf-8");
byte[] b1=ss.getbytes();






Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
static byte[] decodeBase64(byte[] base64Data)

Decodes Base64 data into octets
static byte[] decodeBase64(String base64String)

Decodes a Base64 String into octets
static BigInteger decodeInteger(byte[] pArray)

Decodes a byte64-encoded integer according to crypto standards such as W3C's XML-Signature
static byte[] encodeBase64(byte[] binaryData)

Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm but does not chunk the output.
static byte[] encodeBase64(byte[] binaryData, boolean isChunked)

Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm, optionally chunking the output into 76 character blocks.
static byte[] encodeBase64(byte[] binaryData, boolean isChunked, boolean urlSafe)

Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm, optionally chunking the output into 76 character blocks.
static byte[] encodeBase64(byte[] binaryData, boolean isChunked, boolean urlSafe, int maxResultSize)

Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm, optionally chunking the output into 76 character blocks.
static byte[] encodeBase64Chunked(byte[] binaryData)

Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm and chunks the encoded output into 76 character blocks
static String encodeBase64String(byte[] binaryData)

Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm but does not chunk the output.
static byte[] encodeBase64URLSafe(byte[] binaryData)

Encodes binary data using a URL-safe variation of the base64 algorithm but does not chunk the output.
static String encodeBase64URLSafeString(byte[] binaryData)

Encodes binary data using a URL-safe variation of the base64 algorithm but does not chunk the output.
static byte[] encodeInteger(BigInteger bigInt)

Encodes to a byte64-encoded integer according to crypto standards such as W3C's XML-Signature
static boolean isArrayByteBase64(byte[] arrayOctet)


1.5 Use isBase64(byte[]), will be removed in 2.0.
static boolean isBase64(byte octet)

Returns whether or not the octet is in the base 64 alphabet.
static boolean isBase64(byte[] arrayOctet)

Tests a given byte array to see if it contains only valid characters within the Base64 alphabet.
static boolean isBase64(String base64)

Tests a given String to see if it contains only valid characters within the Base64 alphabet.
protected boolean isInAlphabet(byte octet)

Returns whether or not the octet is in the Base64 alphabet.
boolean isUrlSafe()

Returns our current encode mode.


        byte[] b=new byte[]{-2,-9,43};
byte[] s=Base64.encodeBytesToBytes(b);
byte[] b1=Base64.decode(s);


47, 118, 99, 114


-2, -9, 43


另外,也可以是使用bouncy castle支持。具体可以google之。


1. 跨平台传输时可能传输的是十六进制字符串,要转换为byte数组再进行编码,转换方法为:从高位开始,两个十六进制字符为一组转为byte。实例如下:

String hex="1a2bcc";

先拆分,把“1a”,“2b” “cc”分别解析为byte数组 26,43,208

2. 跨平台要考虑编码格式,如utf-8 或者gbk 或者iso-8895-1等。


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