非常有毛病的一道题,我一个一个读字符死活过不去,改成整行整行读就 A 了...





  1. //by Judge
  2. #include<cstdio>
  3. #include<cstring>
  4. #include<iostream>
  5. #define Rg register
  6. #define fp(i,a,b) for(Rg int i=(a),I=(b)+1;i<I;++i)
  7. #define fd(i,a,b) for(Rg int i=(a),I=(b)-1;i>I;--i)
  8. #define go(u) for(Rg int i=head[u],v=e[i].to;i;v=e[i=e[i].nxt].to)
  9. using namespace std;
  10. const int N=103;
  11. const int M=2e4+3;
  12. typedef int MP[N][N];
  13. typedef int arr[M];
  14. #ifndef Judge
  15. #define getchar() (p1==p2&&(p2=(p1=buf)+fread(buf,1,1<<21,stdin),p1==p2)?EOF:*p1++)
  16. #endif
  17. char buf[1<<21],*p1=buf,*p2=buf;
  18. inline int read(){ int x=0,f=1; char c=getchar();
  19. for(;!isdigit(c);c=getchar()) if(c=='-') f=-1;
  20. for(;isdigit(c);c=getchar()) x=x*10+c-'0'; return x*f;
  21. } inline int cread(int* s){ Rg int len=0; Rg char ch;
  22. while((ch=getchar())!='O'&&ch!='.');
  23. for(s[++len]=ch=='O';(ch=getchar())=='O'||ch=='.';s[++len]=ch=='O');
  24. return s[len+1]='\0',len;
  25. } char sr[1<<21],z[20];int C=-1,Z;
  26. inline void Ot(){fwrite(sr,1,C+1,stdout),C=-1;}
  27. inline void print(Rg int x,Rg char chr=' '){
  28. if(C>1<<20)Ot();if(x<0)sr[++C]=45,x=-x;
  29. while(z[++Z]=x%10+48,x/=10);
  30. while(sr[++C]=z[Z],--Z);sr[++C]=chr;
  31. } int n,cnt,tim,res,pat,head[M<<2];
  32. arr px,py,to,vis,bl,now,ok; MP id,mp;
  33. struct Edge{ int to,nxt; }e[M];
  34. inline void add(int u,int v){
  35. e[++pat]=(Edge){v,head[u]},head[u]=pat;
  36. }
  37. bool dfs(int u){ vis[u]=tim;
  38. go(u) if(vis[v]^tim){ vis[v]=tim;
  39. if(!to[v]||dfs(to[v])) return to[v]=u,1;
  40. } return 0;
  41. }
  42. int main(){
  43. fp(i,1,read()){ n=read(),cnt=pat=res=0;
  44. fp(i,1,n){
  45. cread(mp[i]);
  46. fp(j,1,n) if(mp[i][j])
  47. id[i][j]=++cnt,
  48. px[cnt]=i,py[cnt]=j,
  49. bl[cnt]=(i&1);
  50. }
  51. fp(i,1,n+1) mp[n+1][i]=0;
  52. memset(ok,0,(cnt+2)<<2);
  53. memset(to,0,(cnt+2)<<2);
  54. memset(vis,0,(cnt+2)<<2);
  55. memset(now,0,(cnt+2)<<2);
  56. memset(head,0,(cnt+2)<<2);
  57. fp(i,1,n) fp(j,1,n)
  58. if(mp[i][j]&&!mp[i-1][j-1]&&!mp[i-1][j+1]){
  59. now[id[i][j]]=1;
  60. if(mp[i+1][j+1]) now[id[i+1][j+1]]=2;
  61. if(mp[i+1][j-1]) now[id[i+1][j-1]]=2;
  62. }
  63. fp(i,1,cnt) res+=(now[i]==2);
  64. for(Rg int i=1;i<=n;i+=2) fp(j,1,n)
  65. if(mp[i][j]&&!now[id[i][j]]){
  66. if(mp[i-1][j-1]&&!now[id[i-1][j-1]])
  67. add(id[i][j],id[i-1][j-1]);
  68. if(mp[i-1][j+1]&&!now[id[i-1][j+1]])
  69. add(id[i][j],id[i-1][j+1]);
  70. if(mp[i+1][j-1]&&!now[id[i+1][j-1]])
  71. add(id[i][j],id[i+1][j-1]);
  72. if(mp[i+1][j+1]&&!now[id[i+1][j+1]])
  73. add(id[i][j],id[i+1][j+1]);
  74. }
  75. tim=0;
  76. fp(i,1,cnt) if(!now[i])
  77. if(++tim&&dfs(i)) ++res;
  78. fp(i,1,cnt) if(to[i]) ok[to[i]]=1;
  79. ++tim;
  80. fp(i,1,cnt) if(!now[i]&&bl[i]&&!ok[i]) dfs(i);
  81. fp(i,1,cnt) if(!now[i]&&bl[i]&&vis[i]^tim) now[i]=2;
  82. fp(i,1,cnt) if(!now[i]&&!bl[i]&&vis[i]==tim) now[i]=2;
  83. print(res,'\n');
  84. fd(i,cnt,1) if(now[i]&2){
  85. Rg int x=px[i],y=py[i]; print(x),print(y);
  86. sr[++C]=mp[x-1][y-1]?'L':'R',sr[++C]='\n';
  87. }
  88. } return Ot(),0;
  89. }
  90. /*
  91. 2
  92. 7
  100. 3
  101. .O.
  102. O.O
  103. ...
  104. */

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