
# 解决



主要是存放了一些老的linux image镜像文件.


我们想查看我们boot分区有那些linux image,使用命令:

dpkg -l | grep linux-image

我们发现有 linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic,linux-image-3.13.0-27-generic,linux-image-3.13.0-29-generic,这是所有的.


uname -r




sudo apt-get purge linux-image-x.x.x-xx-generic


一是不断重复sudo apt-get purge linux-image-x.x.x-xx-generic,(当然我可不想这样...)


sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{24,27}-generic




Okay, so from the output of /etc/fstab you posted, it seems that your /boot is mounted on a separate partition, and from the output of df -h, that partition is full. This is because there are some old kernels installed that are not needed; this is evident from the output of dpkg -l | grep linux-image that you posted, where you can see more than one "linux-image" with different versions. We need to remove the old versions. First, I want you to run the command uname -r in a terminal, this will show you the kernel version you are currently using. It will say something like this 3.5.0-26-generic. Take a note of that number, 26! The following commands will assume that that's the kernel you're running.

The command to remove the old kernel versions is:

sudo apt-get purge linux-image-x.x.x-xx-generic

...where the x characters are numbers. So, in your case, we would have to run this command for each of the versions, like sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.5.0-17-genericsudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.5.0-18-generic, and so on. But, there's a way to do all of this through one command. The command is this:

sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.5.0-{17,18,19,21,22,23,24}-generic

DO NOT RUN THE COMMAND YET! Read the following.
command will remove those versions in the brackets. I've left out
versions 3.5.0-25, 3.5.0-26, and 3.5.0-28 because from your dpkg output, your 3.5.0-28 is half configured (from the iF status
next to it), so I'm assuming that was the one that your upgrade was
trying to upgrade to. So, a guess would say that the current running
kernel is 3.5.0-26, that's why I'm not including the number 26 in the brackets. But again, you need to find out what version you're running by uname -rIf the last number from that output is one of the numbers in the brackets above, DO NOT RUN THE COMMAND, and let us know.

But if the last number in uname -r is
26, or 28, or even 25, then it's safe to run the above command
(however, if it's 25, remove number 24 from the brackets). Enter your
password when prompted, and typey when asked. This will show a bunch of lines, and will eventually go back to matty@matty-G41M-ES2L:~$, hopefully without errors. When it's done, do df -h and look at the last line, the one that starts with /dev/sda1.
You should find that it now has more space, and that the percentage
used is less than 100% like it was before. You can proceed with your

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